To all those who are sending in memes, thank you! Many, many good ones! Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!
Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition. Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
That and a spine transplant to the GOP squishes.
I suspect this is one reason why so many Covidians simply refuse to see. If they consciously acknowledged this, they’d have to acknowledge the danger they’re in… and the fact that they let it happen to them, even were rejoicing in the Jab at the time.
I may NEED a doctor from time to time, but I no longer TRUST them like I used to.
I know so, so, so many libs who – when SHTF and they get robbed and/or worse, will state they had no clue things like this were coming. Note that I read, a few years ago, that if the power goes down the real festivities start at about Day Three.
For this, at least… we should be like France.
I can’t stress this enough… to my knowledge the 100% censoring of a document related to public health has never happened before.
IIRC the late Walter E. Williams said something like this.
That’s the problem with human nature; it’s not just enough to succeed, which is a good thing. It’s that most people feel the need to tear others down.
The US is my home. I was born here, grew up here, live here, and expect to die here.
Understand that I don’t want WWIII, but I would find it the height of irony if WWIII results in a full on exchange… and all those pushing for war and the resulting arm sales get flash-fried.
Weep for the children. And weep for our civilization that we have this happening and don’t stop it BAMN.
Weimar hyperinflation incoming. Not IF but merely WHEN.
But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that there’s no war on white people.
So even kids at no risk are now mandated to have that.
Personally, I vote for a short drop and sudden stop.
I once emailed my local school board with multiple videos showing how air inside masks alarms-out on OSHA air quality meters.
Precisely. Zero. Impact. I mean none.
Like these PSAs that tell you to put “something important” in your car’s back seat so you don’t forget your kid.
Flip it. Imagine if a man said this about a woman.
Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):
GA: Bill Would Make Property Owners Liable For Injuries In Gun-Free Zones | Jews Can Shoot
Excellent idea.
Crash incoming. As I understand from here & there, fewer and fewer are willing to LOAN to us, so that means… running the presses!
One can make a good case, I think, for this not just being a result of DEI and profit-above-all, but a deliberate attempt to turn people off flying in general. For the planet of course.
WATCH: Boeing Factory Exposed * * by M Winger
And from my friend:
The Boeing executive turned whistle-blower that revealed a plethora of quality issues being covered up was preparing to go to court & testify. A couple days ago he was found dead with a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound. How…. convenient:
Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead of ‘Self-Inflicted’ Gunshot, 787 Suffers Another Mishap – PJ Media
What Kind of Feminist Wants Rapists in Britain? | Frontpage Mag
So why, in a case in which male sex-criminals pose a threat to women in their communities is Harper far more concerned for the perpetrators’ safety than for that of their actual and potential victims? What kind of feminism is this?
Speaking of crime:
Moonbattery Toronto Police: Leave Out Keys for Car Thieves – Moonbattery
Hey, cannibals… most journalists live in NYC and are unarmed. Related:
As the border collapses, a measles cluster is growing at a migrant shelter in Chicago (
WWIII: Poland Hints At SEISMIC Escalation In Ukraine * * by Vince Quill
Who actually wants WWIII? More importantly, WHY? MHO? They know the Jab and its effects are about to make a breakout into the at-large public awareness. Related, at least to me:
The U.S. Navy’s Aircraft Carriers Would Be Useless in a China War | The National Interest
Shrinkflation or economic reality: who you gonna believe? – American Thinker
Your wallet or your lying TV?
The Persecution of Donald Trump Means Turning Ordinary Activities Into Crimes – Flopping Aces
We WERE the land of the free. Soon to follow Canada, no doubt:
Canada’s Fast March to Totalitarianism – small dead animals
The blueprint for democrats stealing the 2024 election – Flopping Aces
Multi-axis attack.
JPMorgan To Roll Out Controversial Biometric Payments (
And it will be “voluntary” of course.
West Point Removes ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ from Mission Statement Values – Slay News
The United States Military Academy in West Point, New York has caused outrage with a new super-woke update of its mission statement.
Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland has announced that the institution has removed “Duty, Honor, Country” from the key values in its mission statement.
This is a fairly long video (1 hour 10 minutes), but absolutely fascinating. This woman runs a group that is serving various county and school boards with writs that prove they are illegally running the country, and they can be held PERSONALLY responsible. Once the board members know they can be held personally responsible, & that they can be sued for $$$$, they start seriously looking at their actions. It’s showing how effectively this works. I watched it tonight, and I plan to hand this on to others, as it’s very powerful. It’s the first thing I’ve seen in a LONG time that actually makes me feel like we could take our country back WITHOUT a civil war:
The City Of Pittsburgh does not have enough police officers to man 6 stations during the night, so they’ll just shut down. How’s that “defund the police” working out for you now? Guess you’re on your own. Criminals need to understand that the police are there to protect the CRIMINAL’s rights. Armed citizens, when faced with potential severe bodily harm, we’ll just shoot and ask questions later.
For my Jewish friends: An excellent take-down of the “anti-Jewish” Oscars by a Holocaust survivor:
James O’Keefe and his O’Keefe Media Group are doing some really good undercover videos that expose the mindset of the people who are running the government. Here’s a senior DOD staffer openly saying that they want to pack the Supreme Court, ban guns (and have the National Guard do a house to house search to take them away), all to make sure that the government has a monopoly on violence. Gee, fascist much?. Oh, and the boarder should be open to anyone; it’s just a waste of resources to guard it:
Related to taking guns away, the powerful in government are trying to make SURE they have a monopoly on violence by stopping any “non-approved” training of a “para-military” type. They have recently introduced a bill to outlaw all para-military activities that do not receive government permission. This outlaws teaching about firearms, military tactics, drilling, or practicing pretty much ANYTHING that is not a state sanctioned military (like the National Guard). You could get arrested for teaching your children to shoot safely. Or how to use camo effectively. Heck, even the Boys Scouts could be in trouble for training to earn the Rifle & Shotgun merit badge! The whole point of the 2nd Amendment is so WE THE PEOPLE can form Militias which are NOT under government control. As far as I’m concerned, this bill is blatantly unconstitutional, but when has that stopped the Deep State?. There are actually two bills, one in the Senate & one in the House, but they are basically identical. If they can get this to pass, they have effectively gutted the 2A, as (in their eyes) there is no longer a reason to “bear arms” for a “well regulated militia”.
Senate Bill:
House Bill:
As an aside, I wonder if they would apply this to Antifa or BLM? Somehow, I think they would get a “permission slip”.
Lastly, the esteemed Victor Davis Hanson with an excellent summation of how the left treats “Democracy”:
The Anti-Democratic Democratic Left – Victor Davis Hanson (
Pick of the Post:
It’s been done before, step by step, multiple times. And yet those who have experienced it, those who warn about it, are dismissed.
Palate Cleansers:
I’ll show myself out. TGIF!
And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition. Same Meme Time. Same Meme channel.
Please do consider buying me a coffee.