When Pfizer Reminded Us That their Thing Could Damage Your Heart

In late October, to scare people right before Halloween, Pfizer issued a press release reminding recipients of its COVID-19 vaccines that there was an increased risk of heart injury after injection. No Sh!t, Really?



This has, of course, been fact-checked, and guess what? The fact check insists Pfizer has warned us about the risk of heart damage since 2021. And you could say that’s accurate. Before Emergency Use Authorization, the FDA knew about the risk of injury or death, including complications from Myocarditis and Pericarditis, but they pretended the risk of death from COVID was greater. (Related: New Research Suggests Evidence of Permanent Heart Damage to Some Adolescents Who Got COVID-19 Vaxx).

Long before the Vaxx-push, we knew that was not the case. A sliver of the population was at risk of Hospitalization or death, and those under 20 had nearly zero risk of even getting the virus or spreading it. What followed was a fear campaign pushing mandates and ostracizing anyone who opted out, and we don’t need that fact-checked. We lived it.

That press release isn’t telling us anything new. It is not an admission of wrongdoing. I’d go so far as to say it isn’t a definitive admission in any new sense. They admitted the thing was crap, and it could kill you from go. There was no informed consent. If you’d known, you’d have likely said no, and you’d have certainly not jabbed your kids or disowned relatives over, or been relieved of your job. No one in their right mind, at least. The left mind is another matter.

What would be new is if COVID-19 apologists admitted that these details were hidden from the public. Admit the level of deception, from safe and effective to incomplete package inserts to health risks from COVID or the vaccine. The fraud was systemic and institutional, and millions were harmed and many killed as a result.

That would be something, but it’s not anything we should expect from anyone who received money to pander to the lies in the approved narrative. And there were a lot of them.



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