Who Is Jack Smith (The Prosecutor Against Trump)?

Jack, the ”unscrupulous” Smith, is a hired persecutor who has a failing track record when it comes to prosecuting conservatives and other high-profile politicians. Let’s take a look.

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

  1. Smith was instrumental in DOJ’s Lois Lerner’s IRS scandalous scheme to target conservative non-profit groups. He enabled Lerner’s criminally corrupt conduct as head of Obama and Eric Holder’s Public Integrity Section of the DOJ. That is not a joke.
    Then the DOJ and Lois Lerner admitted wrongdoing and Lerner apologized for her inappropriate and unlawful conduct.
  2. He then persecuted Bob McDonnell, Republican governor of Virginia, for bribery only to have the conviction overturned unanimously by SCOTUS. Chief Justice Roberts wondered out loud how Smith read the law to cover the facts of the case.
  3. Smith’s wife, Kate Chevigny, donated $2,000 to Bumbling Biden and produced a highly laudatory documentary on Michelle Obama. She vilified “Citizens United” in her documentary “Dark Money” and has donated to Act Blue, a Demolitioncrat fundraising platform and MoveOn.org, an entity controlled by George Soros. Ever notice how these political couples never share the same last name.
  4. Not surprisingly, Smith is hiding the names of the other persecutors on his staff who are working to prosecute President Trump, but Tom Fitton of “Judicial Watch” has sued for those names under the Right To Know Law.
  5. Jack “the unscrupulous” Smith led failed prosecution against Senators John Edwards and Bob Menendez, wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on what were really political persecutions.
  6. Trump haters, Andrew Weissmann, the failed Mueller team attack dog and Lisa Monaco, an unwavering Obama supporter and an architect of the Russian collusion hoax are, co-conspirators and admirers of Jack “the unscrupulous” Smith.

Conventional legal wisdom, repeated millions of times in legal conversations” but overlooked lately, is that an indictment is “nothing more and nothing less than a piece of paper”. Everybody should keep that in mind as this unlawful witch-hunt goes forward.

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