Is The Right Learning to Act Like the Left? Drag Queen Story Hour Canceled … Over Security Concerns

Weeks Memorial Library in Lancaster, New Hampshire, was to be the location of a drag queen story hour. Regular readers will have heard – we’ve covered it a few times. One of the featured “queens” was Emoji Nightmare (Justin Marsh), the creator of Cumpstrella.

Related: They Took the “Queen” Out of “Drag Queen Story Hour” (Are They Hiding “Her” in a Closet?)

First, yes. They are still hiding the ‘Queen.’ From the sponsors to venues to the reporting, it’s Drag story hour or “A couple of presenters in drag.” They are massaging the thing to try and make it less likely to raise red flags.

It’s not working (Boston Globe).


People brought complaints to the trustees, then they urged the town’s selectmen to intervene; they circulated petitions online, had posts all over social media, and began calling for people to travel to Lancaster to protest. Some reportedly invoked concerns about “grooming,” a term that’s often used to smear LGBTQ people as sexual predators.

Library staff, meanwhile, received an onslaught of harassing phone calls with vile messages that seemed to be coming from well outside the local community, Hutchins said.


It is difficult to say where the line is drawn when snowflakes tell you what made them melt. History suggests that the alleged outrage was less likely intimidating than suggested, but I feel obligated to remind our readers. We say it all the time. You should express your opinion, frustration, disagreement, and distaste, but do not intimidate or threaten.

I did suggest that folks reach out to the event’s many sponsors and ask them where the “queen” went. Drag story hour. No queen. Not sure if that happened, but something did.

And yes, I’d bet more than a bit of the discontent came from outside the community, but so did the Drag Queens. What’s your point?

It is common practice on the Left and a flanking maneuver you should bring up reluctantly. To do so invites reminders about how Antifa and BLM were moving people from city to city to “protest” locally and, in more than a few instances, engage in theft, assault, arson, and other forms of property damage—all to advance their preferred message via intimidation, the threat of violence, and actual violence.

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We don’t do that, nor should we. Shouting down speakers is also verboten – feel free to inject opinions between their words. That isn’t very pleasant, but it protected speech. And so it is with the canceled event in Lancaster. People spoke on both sides, and someone got spooked. Local PD and the venue decided they could not control a peaceful protest outside a public building (also protected speech).

I don’t think they had anything to worry about, but the optics were likely unfavorable, so someone pulled the plug.

So, congrats on taking a page out of the progressives’ manual. You have successfully prevented at least one disgusting human being from having access to children and their idiot parents.

They can use the time to figure out where they hid the Queen in Drag Queen Story Hour.


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