On Starbucks and “Race Together”: “I realize that a race-and-gender-studies degree tends to lead to a barista position,…”


“…so at least they’re trained, but most of us don’t really care what they have to say.”  – Instapundit

broken-coffee-mug Coffee party is just a Democrat parrotYou know, Laura Ingraham (conservative talk show host and pundit) wrote a book a while ago called “Shut up and Sing” whose message was “I have given you money to entertain me – not lecture me about your liberal politics.  Stop the latter and just do the former”.  And now Starbucks has decided that schlepping out overpriced and over-pretentious coffee-in-a-cup isn’t enough – it agrees with AG Eric Holder that Americans are too cowardly to talk about race so CEO Howard Schultz has ordered his baristas to “engage”:

This week Starbucks patrons in line for coffee may find themselves waiting for an impromptu discussion on race relations to take place between barista and fellow patrons as part of the new “Race Together” social awareness campaign initiated by CEO Howard Schultz.

The idea is for a barista to write “Race Together” on a customer’s cup and then engage that customer in a dialogue about race relations in America.

When did you first become aware of your race?” is one question a barista might ask a patron who is interested in starting one of these free-range “organic dialogues,” according to Starbucks’ spokesperson Linda Mills, in a phone interview.

Yup, The Stupid is strong in that place.  Now, I have no dog in this fight as I don’t drink coffee (it tastes like chocolate gone bad) so the only times I’ve hit a Starbucks was in airports and I had a jones for a coffee roll or some such.  But in reading these blurbs about this rather hubris type invasion that a cup of coffee maker clerk is going to school anyone in any kind of literate way in the 2 minutes to order and get that cuppa joe is just about nil.  And especially if the baristas is, as Glen Reynold snarkily holds, I’d have to listen to some nitwit gender studies graduate whose only ability in the commercial world  is “want cream or soy with that”.  Just shut up, make the coffee with only a bit of light banter, and let me go ’cause I gotta work.  And so do all the folks behind me.


Speaking of a hashtag, here were a couple of the better tweets:





But the best one, IMHO, was this one:


in My answer to that question would be “About the same time I realized how stupid you are in asking me that question – and everyone ahead and behind me”.  Actually, Moe Lane at RedState has a great line that I bet 98% of those poor Starbucks employees would have no rejoinder at all:

“Gee, Senator Moynihan pretty much called it when he said that breaking up the nuclear family unit was going to blight African-Americans for generations, huh?”

And that really would just get that “deer in headlight” look, wouldn’t it?

(H/T: Daily News, Christian Science Monitor, The Blaze, RedState,)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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