Yep, I have too many of these kinds of stories just sitting around in tabs and I have to start unloading them. Mostly for my own benefit as we have become, as Steve says, self-referential. With over 50,000 posts since 2006, we’ve probably written something about almost everything that bubbles up in the Venn Diagram intersection of Politics and Culture. It’s nice to have that as a “lookup” or a surprise when trying to find something else. Anyways, time to get to the meat of this post…
Sidenote: hey, with the Greenies trying to force us to become Vegans, can I even say that anymore?
I’ve been commenting that California, Oregon, and Washington State have decided to become Transgender Sanctuary States because parents are evil (see “Childism” in Stack of Stuff #45 of yesterday). However, time to start putting up the proof of what I have written:
(April 13): The Washington State Senate passed a sweeping law on Thursday that permits juveniles to undergo transgender surgery without parental consent. This is how the Washington Senate Democrats describe the law, SB 5599, in a press release.
Under current law, licensed shelters must notify parents if a child comes into their care, unless a compelling reason applies. This legislation allows licensed shelters to contact the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) in lieu of parents in certain additional instances, like when a young person is seeking reproductive health services or gender-affirming care.
So Mommy and Daddy tell the young’un that 1) cutting off your bottom external genitalia, 2) slicing up your breasts like they were a turkey at Thanksgiving, and 3) taking hormones that will leave you sterile in most cases is a BAD thing – and they are evil for doing so? And Government MUST protect a minor child that can’t sign for anything with respect to consenting to anything because Society believes that their minds are still too underdeveloped and critical thinking skills are non-existing and let them do this?
And I really can’t believe this Presser has this written this line:
“We know that young people experiencing homelessness are exposed to dangerous and harmful outcomes. That is why we must take every step we can to ensure their safety,” Sen. Liias said. “This legislation ensures that our trans youth have safe options and access to secure, stable shelter when they may not be welcome at home.”
And because #1-3 aren’t dangerous so we must protect against “unwelcomeness”? #1-3 are “safe options”?
The need for SB 5599 comes as states across the country introduce and pass anti-LGBTQ legislation. According to the ACLU, 452 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced across 45 states and 29 bills have passed in 14 different states.
Yes, you read that right. A kid claiming to be transgender can run away from home, go to a shelter, and the shelter is not required to tell the parents the kid is safe.
…This law effectively strips the parent of their rights, allows a minor to make an irreversible surgical decision without the ability to give informed consent, makes the parents pay for it, and dumps the whole dumpster fire of emotional, psychological, and financial impacts back them to deal with as best they can.
And who is the kid being protected against? His or her evil parents. This is continuing the Democrat war on parents and this is going to be FAR worse than any of the scapegoating that the Dems have been waging on mere Republicans over the last few years. The goal is to “finish the job” of fundamentally transforming American (again, Obama reference) society by breaking the notion of the tradition American family. LBJ’s Great Society started the process by forcing husbands to move out so that the Government would then financially support his wife and kids and now the very idea of a husband and wife with 2.5 kids as a nuclear family is getting nuked itself. This is as Totalitarian as Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Mao’s China (still is), Fidel’s Cuba, and Lenin’s Soviet Union.
Go review the SCOTUS decisions in that post that maintain that Parents Rights over their children trump that of The State. How far our Society has fallen.
And those desiring Political Power of adults in Vermont on their S.5 bill that will add a Greenie tax on fossil fuel heating oils to move the State to “Electrify EVERYTHING!” even as they don’t have enough electricity supply to do it have been “stripping Parents of their children” ideologically to use the children against their parents to yammer them to switch (“Mom and Dad, WHY do you hate my planet so much??”):
The Vermont Energy Education Program, a nonprofit organization, would like to get access to all Vermont students as well as adults to address climate matters and energy policy. The organization already has influence. It has been operating in 80% of Vermont schools within the last five years, according to Andy Shapiro, the energy engineer for the organization. On Tuesday, he told members of the House Education Committee that educational efforts regarding green technologies should focus on youth.
“I realized it was pretty hard to convince adults about payback, but kids, they just want to know, does this stuff work?” he said. “They generally think [green energy policies] are a good idea.”
He detailed the range of programs that they bring to Vermont’s K-12 schools.
Why wouldn’t the kids be amenable to this – they’ve been immersed in this Cargo Cult of greenness ever since they started in daycare. But this is how Totalitarians roll: “I don’t care about you – I have your children”.
Continuing along with Totalitarianisms, there can be no Free Speech that is dissenting from the accepted Narrative of the Left. And make no mistake, the American Library Association doesn’t like when tradition Parents complain that pornography is easy to get by youngsters at their public libraries:
PJ Media reported the heinous and graphic material that is available to children in Maine public schools. Parents went to the school board to report the disgusting content in the middle school and high school libraries in the Bonny Eagle school system that included bestiality, incest, and child rape. Parents read from the books, one after the other, finding over 100 books in the school catalog that contained violent and explicit themes. As a result of the meeting, the board voted to remove eight books until they could be reviewed and assessed for appropriateness.
In the clip below, you can hear an excerpt from one of the books pushed by the groomers who want to destroy children’s innocence and separate them from their families. I warn you, it’s so explicit that I had to set an age restriction on YouTube, and at the age of 46, I had never heard some of this stuff before (and wish I hadn’t). So don’t listen if you don’t want to be permanently scarred. I can’t even retype what is written in these books because Google will flag this article as “advertiser unfriendly.” Keep in mind this is what is being shown to kids as young as ten in almost every public school in the nation.
I think that we should start calling School Board members, School District Staff, and teachers that support this idea that youngsters NEED porn in order to function better or because they are members of “marginalised communities” one short, two word phrase: Porn Stars for their activism in pushing salacious material upon children that are not ready for it yet against the wishes of their Parents.
After the board removed eight books, promising to review them, the radical American Library Association (ALA) wasted no time sending its hounds to intimidate the board. An offshoot of the ALA called the Maine Association of School Libraries (MASL) sent a letter with the intent to shame the board for allegedly violating the First Amendment and listening to parents instead of the communistic ALA guidance that demands even the youngest readers have access to X-rated material.
Merely excuses for deviancy, degeneracy, and debauchery. So let’s try something a bit lighter: Gnosticism
“There is nothing new under the sun,” says the Book of Ecclesiastes (1:9), and that includes today’s fashionable trans madness. While men mutilating themselves and taking hormones and calling themselves women may be a new aspect of this phenomenon, men have been donning dresses and prancing around pretending to be women from time immemorial. And now a detransitioner, a woman who spent several years pretending to be a man before awakening from her delusion, has rooted the trans phenomenon in another extremely old idea: Gnosticism, an ancient religious belief that derided the material world as evil and is combated in the New Testament.
Estella Suarez-Hamilton, who began pretending to be a man as a teenager, explained Wednesday that at the heart of the trans fad is a desire to escape from reality: “Oftentimes, people are looking for an escape. There’s a lot of escapism in my generation, and this is especially true with the trans ideology. It was a distraction that I needed, to not look at the parts of my life and the relationships in my life that I was not succeeding in, and were falling apart. I was looking for escape — and the political, kind of spiritual, aspects of trans ideology, when they’re combined with the online [community], that offers a type of escapism. A lot of times people will say that it’s a ‘cult,’ and in a way, that could be applied, but I think a more accurate term is a ‘cyber sect.’” This sect has surprisingly ancient roots, in an old version of escapism.
“If you are thinking about how to describe the sect,” Suarez-Hamilton continued, “it is very much connected to, like, the modern Gnostic principles. This is a syncretic cyber sect of modern Gnosticism, and I love how complicated it sounds, because the trans community loves language, and they love to complicate language to the nth degree. So, I think that this term is just very — from my experience — very accurate to explain what I went through, that’s what I think happened, and that’s how I can articulate it.” A syncretic cyber sect of modern Gnosticism is actually a remarkably apt term.
Gnosticism was a secretive and multifaceted movement that was based on its adherents gaining access to a secret knowledge, or gnosis in Greek.
It’s a good read, and easy read, even if a bit heavy on ancient philosophy. I still think that Childism is a better explanation for a lot of this (as well as a rebellion against God in a sideways version of the Tower of Babel).
Back to the infamous “Banned Books” of the Left when Parents catch drift that today’s Librarians aren’t much better than the owners of “adult book stores”. Just the two most important bits because I’ve gone long with the snippets above:
The Left is in an uproar. Parents opposed to their indoctrinating ways are forming a resistance movement. One uproar is over books—assigned books in the classroom and available books in the school library. Disagree with the content of the books? You’re for “book bans.” Technically, this is accurate inside the school, but the leftist press makes it sound like you’re banning books entirely from public view. They get to pose as the defenders of books and “book learning” and as compassionate defenders of the book-reading needs of the “marginalized.”
…But nowhere in this story is there a single second of explaining the offensive content. Author Elana K. Arnold complained that the sexually explicit scenes in her books are considered pornographic, but this is “a gross misrepresentation.” But that’s not an explanation. This is how the leftist media operate. They are all about channeling outrage about “book bans,” and they spend no time explaining the pornographic passages and images that stoke the controversy. It’s all posing and no disclosing.
…The Left hates dissent. They associate dissent with “disinformation.” They “ban” conservative ideas and advocates from many of their news stories. They call conservatives Nazis, and no one gets to tell them that’s atrocious.
And back to School Districts deciding that they have the Power to keep secrets from Parents (which really is the process of teaching children to NOT trust their parents and that teachers are better than their parents). I am STILL fighting the Gilford School Board over this and I CAUGHT the Grandson’s teacher lying to me!
Remember when schools taught academics and not how to change your gender? Aurora Regino, a mother in California blasted her local school board after finding out her 11 year old daughter was being secretly transitioned in her elementary school. Even after she called it out, the school board voted to keep the “parental secret policy” so they could continue secretly transitioning young kids. Talk about grooming!
Chico California school district mother Aurora Regino says her daughter was transitioned from a female to a male by school staff without her knowledge.
The school counselor capitalized on a vulnerable time in her daughter’s life as Regino’s father had just passed and she was…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 13, 2023
“Treating every parent as a potential threat is wrong,” she said and added, “It’s a slippery slope to allow any adult in our schools to keep secrets from parents for any reason,” and talked about how evil it was what the school did.
They see parents as such because of their Moral Superiority. They have take the actions of the few, combined it with a liberal dose of the Trans-Authoritarianism, and with Critical Race Theory pronouncing that no one is any better than the group they belong to (in this case the group called “Parents”), ALL Parents are guilty of the sins of the few.
And we used to think that Government schools were bad when we only concerned ourselves that schools were illegally taking our pregnant daughters out to get rid of that mass of tissue. No longer illegal if these legislators get their way. For 13-year olders, Government would officially continue the process of “normalizing” the taking of a life:
Public schools would teach children as young as 12 about abortion as part of the middle and high school sex education curriculum, give them a list of abortion businesses, and inculcate an attitude of “inclusivity and support in conversations surrounding abortion,” if a new bill passes the California legislature. The legislation is one of 17 new abortion-related bills Democratic lawmakers have introduced to enhance the state’s self-identity as an “abortion sanctuary.”
Additional bills would allow abortionists to break the law in other states with impunity, create a taxpayer-funded “awareness campaign” that critics believe will malign pro-life pregnancy resource centers, and expand publicly funded abortion-on-demand for minors without parental consent.
AB 598 from Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-14) requires that middle school and high school sex education programs instruct kids in “pregnancy prevention and care, including, but not limited to, guidance regarding contraceptive methods and abortion.” Teachers have to give students “information about obtaining abortions during different stages of pregnancy, including informational resources, methods, and medical risks.” The bill further specifies that “all pupils shall receive a physical or digital resource detailing the local resources” to carry out an abortion — such as a webpage linking minors to local abortion facilities. The bill also asks teachers to inculcate a “positive” attitude of “inclusivity and support in conversations surrounding abortion or contraception.”
The legislation encourages teachers to have children “support” abortion-on-demand.
I just have no words to describe this evil of legislators, again, breaking the bonds between a child their their parents. How DARE they decide that they know what is best for a child over the concern and responsibility of a loving mother or father?
They are reducing us to being mere breeding pairs for The State.