Data Point – Everytown and Moms Demand Action are missing the real targets


chalk outline

Like all good Progressives, the fronts for former NYC mayor (and billionaire) Bloomberg called Everytown and Moms Demand Action have no compunction about screaming for Government to take everyone’s guns away – the quintessential Progressive tactic of punishing everyone for the sins of the few.  They go after Joe Six-pack – the guys and gals that are law abiding that simply wish to use their Second Amendment Right.  For the former, it is only about guns, for the latter, it IS about the Constitution.  Thus, there is no compromise for truth be told, the Bloomberg astro-turf groups will always find one more reason to not stop and say “this is enough” for like most Progressives (re: taxes), there is never enough in and for their demands.  We know the ideology reigns supreme because we HARDLY here them speak about this kind of gun violence.  From the LA Times piece talking about violence – gang violence:

Violence tied to gangs remained the leading motive for homicides in L.A., at 160 killings, or about 62% of the city’s total — up from 145 such killings in 2013. The LAPD’s 77th Street Division saw a 59% increase in gang-related homicides (16 more killings) compared with 2013, which Beck attributed to a couple of “strong gang conflicts.”

Street killings are linked to gang violence, Beck said, which can help explain why more than half (about 53%) of the city’s homicides occurred on a street or sidewalk.

If we could eliminate gang homicides, 

then homicide — it wouldn’t become extinct in Los Angeles, but we would certainly have a way different homicide picture,” Beck said.

Does EveryTown go after the gang bangers?  No.  Does Moms Demand Action go after the street hoodlums and other evil doers?  No.

In fact, MDA goes after the law abiding grocery shopper.  They target, not those that are really responsible, but the businesses that service that law abiding citizen.

So who REALLY are the evil ones in all this?  Certainly those that don’t care a whit for the Law – the lawless ones.  The ones that do not value their lives – or those around them and especially those they deem as enemies.  The problem is not the guns in their hands but the emotions (and lack of control) in their hearts.  Yet ET and MDA refuses to acknowledge it.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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