““My understanding is that’s a study sponsored by a right-wing organization,” she replied”
“That’s all the time we have, thank you,” Kirstein said“
Question: “ 71 percent of all New Hampshire jobs since 2000 have gone to both legal and illegal aliens rather than New Hampshire citizens” – asked by Breitbart News of Jeanne Shaheen at a presser. She immediately called it spawn from the right wing.
Harrell Kirstein – have you verified that the data came from the US Census Bureau? You know, you can never be quite sure what the Obama Administration, in its attempt to make it sound “moderate”, will say next (like Ebola will never come to the US)? Isn’t it YOUR job to keep Jeanne Shaheen from looking like a fool – BEFORE the question is asked?
Kirstein hasn’t responded to a request for additional comment about whether the Senator thinks the Obama administration statisticians who provided the data for the study are “right-wing” too or why he ended the press conference so abruptly before the senator could completely answer the question.
Heh! Got an answer yet there, Harrell? (H/T: Big Government)