The SEIU union hates Conservatives & Republicans – so WHY did they endorse NH State Senator David Boutin (R)??

by Skip

warning-seiu-members-attending-this-meetingAgain, SEIU is a Socialist organization, through and through – I have studied them, I have read their papers and newsletters, and I have watched them work issues – especially in getting Obama and Obamacare passed.  They make it no secret that they hate Conservatives for their love of the Constitution.  They make it no secret that they hate Republicans as well as they are as Democrat as they come if not more.

So according to their own documents, what is it that makes incumbent NH State Senator Dave Boutin (R-District 16) so attractive to them that they would endorse him in his run against the true Conservative in this race, Jane Cormier?  Was it that he supported their main issue – Obamacare (specifically Obamacare’s program to Expand Medicare)?  It will certainly require a large tax increase from NH taxpayers after the first 3 years, and the SEIU is nothing if not redistributionist in nature – taking from the many to give to the fewer.  As Obama said to Joe the Plumber: spread the wealth around.  And nothing requires more spreading than “free” healthcare!  This is in the NH GOP Platform – where?

And given its focus on healthcare, Boutin’s voting for Obamacare Expanded Medicaid will mean many more healthcare workers – get the connection?  Yeah, more demand means more workers means more union members for the SEIU Socialists to take dues money from to fund more political work that is anti-Republican in nature and effect….so why are they supporting Dave Boutin again?

Oh yeah, the biggest expansion of State Government – which also means more government workers – right up their alley as it means more dues paying members for the SEIU Socialists to take dues money from to fund more political work that is anti-Republican in nature and effect….so why are they supporting Dave Boutin again?

Was it for his gas tax vote?  Once again, more money spread all over means larger State Government and workers – more taxes will be needed and a limited government will be no longer.  This is in the NH GOP Platform – where?

That’s just a couple of items off the top of my head.  I do wonder, however – if they endorsed David Boutin in that district, why did they also endorse the Democrat write-in: Maureen Raiche Manning?

Or is it that the SEIU really fears David Boutin’s opponent in the Republican Primary: Jane Cormier?  Trust me, there is absolutely no way they would ever consider endorsing her…

…and that says a great deal of good things about Jane!



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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