Experts: Climate Change Probably “Ended” Life on Mars

Steve MacDonald

Here’s some above-the-fold climate news you may have missed. Something that the Left would consider as life in a womb was probably wiped out on Mars because of climate change.


The new theory comes from a climate modeling study that simulated hydrogen-consuming, methane-producing microbes living on Mars roughly 3.7 billion years ago. At the time, atmospheric conditions were similar to those that existed on ancient Earth during the same period.

But instead of creating an environment that would help them thrive and evolve, as happened on Earth, Martian microbes may have doomed themselves just as they were getting started, according to the study published October 10 in the journal Nature Astronomy.



Let’s unpack that.

First, climate modelers can’t seem to get one damn thing right with the atmosphere in which they live. What are the odds they have a clue about one that (depending on the day) is between 35 million and 250 million miles away?

Better, worse? I’d go with worse.

Second, lots of ‘life’ outside the womb has been wiped out by changes in climate. The earth’s history is tumultuous and includes all extremes of weather. The recent calmness that has allowed humans to thrive and survive is the exception, not the rule, and neither modernity nor CO2 was responsible.

Third, I get what you’re trying to do. Look at barren Mars. If we don’t pick the pockets of working families to fund researchers and favored (but useless) energy projects, the earth will end up like that. It’s a lovely image, and I bet the theory is already making its way into the public schools, so future generations are prepared to accept socialism as their god and savior (and hey, let’s not be like Mars).

Ironically, socialism (by which they mean Marxism) as a political system is probably the fastest way to make you wish you lived on Mars. It is everything they don’t tell you and nothing they do.

No change in the political climate has ended more life than the Marxist bent. But, before that happens, there is crime, penury, and all the benefits of the police state and a two-class system that won’t tolerate individual rights of any sort or group rights unless the group is the Marxists – and they make all the rules, most of which don’t apply to the people in charge.


The model suggests that the reason life thrived on Earth and was doomed on Mars is because of the gas compositions of the two planets, and their relative distances from the Sun. Being farther away from our star than Earth, Mars was more reliant on a potent fog of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen, to maintain hospitable temperatures for life.

So as ancient Martian microbes ate hydrogen (a potent greenhouse gas) and produced methane (a significant greenhouse gas on Earth but less potent than hydrogen) they slowly ate into their planet’s heat-trapping blanket, eventually making Mars so cold that it could no longer evolve complex life.


The moral of the story is that you can’t live to save your life, so Marxism (or is that Marsism?)

I’m still going with no to all of it.

Like I said in the opening, these fools and their models can’t predict the weather this week on this planet; I have zero faith that their “models” can do much elsewhere unless, by “else,” you mean create scenarios that justify their paychecks at other people’s expense.



HT | The Blaze


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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