But Obama could care less – seriously

by Skip

Much has been made on the Conservative side of things of this latest NBC poll on Obama and his horrible public image.  Even the Left has said “Ciao, baby” (Chuck Todd said that his Presidency is over).  After all, when the public no longer has confidence in a second term President, isn’t that the start of the “lame duck” stage?

The percentage of Americans approving of President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy issues has dropped to the lowest level of his presidency as he faces multiple overseas challenges, including in Iraq, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.  Additionally, the public is evenly split on whether Obama is a competent manager of the federal bureaucracy. And a majority of respondents – 54 percent – believe the term-limited president is no longer able to lead the country.

“This is a bad poll for President Obama, and not a good poll for anybody else,” said Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted the survey with Democrats Peter Hart and Fred Yang.  “Whether it’s [Vladimir] Putin, Ukraine, the VA hospitals, Bowe Bergdahl, the events have controlled Obama, rather than Obama having controlled the events,” Hart adds. “He may be winning the issues debate, but he’s losing the political debate, because they don’t see him as a leader.”

He doesn’t have to care.  In fact, he DOESN’T care at all.  Anyone who believes that he’s done (except for the fork sticking) is being naïve.  If this was a regular Presidency, with a “regular” person with “regular” politics, it would matter.  Heck, it always has in the past – and that is the problem.  Everyone seems to be viewing this poll through “regular” goggles – and they are out of focus.  Heck, they aren’t even looking in the right direction!

Presidents generally depend on their Party both out in public and in Congress to get things done even as their popularity beings to sag during their second mid-terms, but per usual, his Party members are looking for re-election.  If it wasn’t for Harry Reid, he would have been toast a long time ago.  Those members’ number one job is re-election and he’s not helping much at all.  I did hear one person say on the radio that while he is raising a lot of money, he’s eating alone.

But he doesn’t care.

More oppose Bergdahl prisoner swap than support it.  The poll was crafted before the instability in Iraq grabbed headlines, so it doesn’t contain questions on that subject. It also was conducted before the United States arrested a suspect in the 2012 attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya.  But it shows an American public that has grown dissatisfied with President Obama on foreign policy and national security decisions.  Just 37 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, which is an all-time low in the survey, while 57 percent disapprove, an all-time high.  What’s more, by a 44 percent-to-30 percent margin, Americans disagree with the Obama administration’s decision to secure the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five imprisoned Taliban fighters.

Read the full poll here

President Obama’s overall approval rating in the poll is at 41 percent, down three points from April. That’s tied for his all-time low in the survey.  And his favorable-unfavorable rating is upside down (41 percent-45 percent) after being right-side up two months ago (44 percent-41 percent).  Perhaps most troubling for the president, 54 percent think he is unable to lead the country and get the job done, compared with 42 percent who believe he can.

But he doesn’t care. He doesn’t have to.  People are reading this poll and going “Mon Dieu! He can do nothing going forward”!  Er, no, mon frère – sitting in the Oval Office, this poll means nothing to him.  Oh sure, someone is going to mention it – heck, he might even raise an eyebrow over it.  But let’s face it – he doesn’t need us out here.  He doesn’t care – and doesn’t care about us.  He doesn’t care about Congress; it’s not that he wouldn’t like it but there’s a reason why he’s been saying he’ll go around Congress.  That reason, simply, is that both Democrats and Republicans have grown the Federal Government so much, and minimized the REAL power of Congress so well, no President needs Congress.  It would be different if the US House would actually grow a pair and use the ultimate Power that was provided by the Founders to bring a rogue President to heel – the Power of the Purse.  But as we have seen, certainly this Republican let House is too timid to do so.

So he doesn’t have to care.

We are in deep sneakers.  DEEP deep sneakers.  We have a complete ideologue of the Progressive/Socialist, Constitution-hating, take-America-down-a-notch President that has all of the Constitutional Powers AND a bureaucracy that is full of like minded “Democrats are the Party of Government” minions that are predisposed to take as literal marching orders anything what Obama says in a speech (e.g., the IRS scandal, the war on coal, the war on free speech, the war on suburbs, the war on America’s standing in the world, the war on the military, the war on the middle class, the war on the free market, war on healthcare, the war on capitalism, the war on local zoning, the war on private property, the war on who owns anything, the war on wealth (or, at least that which does not donate to him)…you get the idea).

He has all the power he needs in every single area he wants.  There is nothing that he can’t do.  There is nothing that he can’t try.  And no one has the will or ability to stop him

This is what happens, this is the logical outcome, when Americans want Government to do more and more as they themselves take less responsibility.  This is the consequence of moving from a restricted and limited government when it is responsible for ONLY a few things and Principled Politicians measure their actions against their limiting Foundations. Government has now moved from governance to Ruling. It believes it can tell us what energy to use, the foods we can eat, how to care for our children, doles out our healthcare, the products we can buy (or not), the speech we can say (and worse, what we are not to say), the services we can use, and the charities we can give to.  It restricts how we can earn a living, and curtails how we can act when doing so.   It now demands that it be first – instead of us.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions; don’t forget, too, that it is helped along by power hungry people who prize control over others over Liberty and Freedom.

After all, the TEA Party just wants government to leave us alone to live our own lives our way – living out the Liberty and Freedom we were given.  For that, we are demonized, for it threatens their control and the power that comes with it.

I do believe that we are now going to suffer the outcome of letting Government grow past the tipping point that our Founders tried to prevent – into Tyranny.  And Obama DOES care about that tipping point – as he now has the power that Progressives have wanted for 140 years.  They have subverted the Constitution and even if the Republicans take the Senate majority, they will not have the supermajority needed to impeach him.

We have moved, I am sore afraid, from being a Constitutional Republic to a Rule by Politics – think I’m wrong?  When is the last time we saw “regular order” succeed in any substantial way?  When have we seen a majority of politicians in DC actually being serious about their actual work?  We have HUGE problems – the Middle East is collapsing, Russia and China are linking arms, the dollar is under attack, our allies no longer trust us, our enemies don’t fear us, we are being overrun at our borders.

So why is Congress so upset and spending time worrying about the name of a football team?  Simply explained, it is our Ruling Class Elite playing 3 card Monte with us at best and unable to actually realize their jobs to understand what the high priorities are that they are supposed to deal with – and leave us and the rest of those priorities fall to the next lower levels.  Simply put, it is the modern version of Fiddling While DC Burns.

Another way of putting it?  Cloward / Piven – overstress the traditional system, make it break, make it collapse – and rebuild it in the image of Marx.  For Obama believes he IS the Change that can do it and that he IS the person that can finally make it work.  Never mind, he isn’t the half the guy the previous failures were – remember, you have to have an outsized EGO the size of the Universe to write, not just one, but TWO life memoirs before you actually accomplished anything of merit other than being the best teleprompter reader the world has ever known.

No, he IS where he always has wanted to be – and at a time that Progressives have crafted with the subversion of the education system and our traditional culture and can take full advantage of it.

These numbers put the Democratic Party at a clear disadvantage heading into November’s midterm elections, when a president’s job rating can often be predictive of the general outcome.

And just 25 percent of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction.  This is the ninth-straight NBC/WSJ poll over the past year when 30 percent of the nation or less has had a positive attitude about the nation’s direction.

Can we recover?  Only if a whole lotta backs move that grindstone.  Go get to work.

(H/T: NBC News via Hot Air)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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