If Abortion is a Right Then There are No Such Things as ‘Fathers’

I was listening to the chugging sound of my Keurig this morning, and I had a thought I’d had before, maybe even shared. When did I realize that life has to begin at conception? I’m not clear on a day or a date. It didn’t just hit me.

Warmed to the idea is more like it. But now, in my mind, it is an absolute truth.

There’s a big bang. A moment at which “matter” “explodes” in its way to begin the arc of human life. It doesn’t become the universe immediately, but it is all we know in time. It is everything. It is us. If something or someone were to intervene – as in Bill Burr’s cake example – what would have been cannot possibly be.

That intervention could be deliberate or accidental, and the prevailing consciousness on the left is that it is a tragedy when it is a mistake but a blessing when it is planned.

That’s about as clear an indication that this is not about life as I can imagine, but then I imagined another one. If abortion is a woman’s right, then there are no such things as fathers.

If life doesn’t start at conception, then men can’t possibly be responsible for it. If women have the right to decide when it is or is not a life and choose to intervene (or not) to end it, man plays no part. He’s not even allowed.

Woman as goddess will define it on her terms, and no one shall deny her.

I’m not trying to give men a reason to be irresponsible. Remember, I think life begins at conception. If you play, you have to pay. If you plant the seed, you water that plant. But that’s not how the abort-until-live-birth crowd sees it. It might not be a person even after it breathes the air in the room. That’s their position, and they will brook no dissent.

We can still kill it.

If you doubt their position, watch television. Big money is painting Republicans in primaries as anti-woman and anti-choice. These campaign ads frame candidates as likely to impose a national abortion ban which is about as likely as prosecuting the FBI, Hunter, or Hillary. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

But abortion is a hot-button issue for Democrats – though almost no one else.

Here in New Hampshire, most people agree that banning abortions after six months of pregnancy is not crazy. A majority of the world agrees, but they don’t spend much time thinking about it. Their priorities are the economy and education. They feel like they are falling behind. Their kids and our country are losing ground in school and on the world stage. Energy and food prices are at the top of their list. These are real problems Democrats can’t discuss because it’s a debate they won’t win.

But they love talking about abortion, so here we are, talking.

If life begins when Democrats say it does, then child support is an injustice. If no man has a part to play in the matter and they have no standing when the woman makes her choice, they can’t possibly be responsible for what follows. I doubt most people would agree, nor should they, but if fathers do exist and are responsible, then you have to accept that life begins at conception because that’s “the scene of the crime.”

Motive, opportunity, a witness, DNA. He is guilty, as charged, but if he is never there, then that unique individual life is impossible, which means the opposite must be true.



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