Will America Wake Up from This Grooming, Transgender Nightmare?


The 5-year-old NH girl was dressed in her older brother’s hand-me-down clothes and was off to school. When school officials called the child’s mother, she was concerned something was wrong. When asked what her daughter’s “preferred pronoun” was, the mother responded she was a little girl.

A year later, the school reached out again. This time the school officials wanted to know what bathroom her child preferred. The grooming had started.

The biological sex of over 99.9 % of humans is determined at the time of conception. Individuals born with an X Y chromosome have male genitalia and those with XX chromosome have female genitalia.

We want to thank James Betti for this op-ed. Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Gender dysphoria is defined as a person of one biological sex wanting to identify as the opposite biologic sex. It is a psychological condition that has no demonstrable genetic component. To make things more complicated, a person who psychologically identifies as the opposite sex doesn’t necessarily have a sexual attraction to that sex. For example, a biological female who identifies as a male can have sex with a biological male, get pregnant, and deliver a baby. This is the genesis of the “woke” absurdity that a man can get pregnant.

Prior to the 2000s, adolescent children with Gender Dysphoria were treated with support, both at the child’s level and family dysfunctional level. Approximately 80 to 95% of children, after going through puberty, accept their biological sex. Basically, they grow out of their gender dysphoria.

The Grooming of Transgenders is just a symptom of the Progressive disease.

In the early 2000s, a study emerged {now discredited} suggesting Gender Dysphoria patients had a higher rate of attempted suicide and that something must be done. In England, Finland, and Sweden, aggressive therapy with sexual reaffirming, puberty blockers, chemical sex hormone transition, and even gender reassigning surgery were performed. Initial studies were based on a small number of mostly biological male gender dysphoric patients, but as more publicity was placed on the condition, suddenly, there was a large increase in overall patients and, in particular genetic female patients, with multiple other significant psychological problems. Gender-affirming advocates point this out as an indication the previous low numbers of Gender dysphoria cases were the result of under-reporting. Critics rightfully point out the newly designated Gender dysphoric patients do not match the traits of historical patients, and something else, such as social media influence or encouragement {Grooming} is responsible.

 In the last year England, Sweden and Finland have backed off aggressive intervention

for the psychological condition of gender dysphoria. They have recognized the harmful effects of aggressive gender dysphoric treatment. And are going back to the conservative time-tested treatment of supporting the child and helping with their environmental stressors such as home dysfunction. Except in extremely rare cases withholding puberty blockers, hormone manipulation, and gender-altering surgery is the new standard.

So how is it that America is moving in the exact opposite direction?

Despite Einstein’s truism that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the definition of insanity, America seems determined to repeat Europe’s harmful gender dysphoria errors. Multiple organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Professional Association of Transgender Health {WPATH}, have guidelines recommending intervention in dysphoric adolescents with the use of puberty blockers, hormone manipulation, and irreversible gender reassigning surgery. Unbelievably WPATH is set to recommend lowering the age for use of puberty blockers. The Biden administration has doubled down on aggressive therapy and placed a known transgender extremist Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, as head of America’s decision-making. Despite the worldwide evidence that aggressive gender dysphoria treatment is harmful, American clinicians continue to look the other way.

Initial steps have to be addressed at the level of schools and medical care.

Florida has instituted the “Parental Rights in Education act,” which has stopped schools from teaching sexual orientation or gender identification before 4th grade. In addition, teachers will have to report any child’s physical or mental issues to their parents. Florida has also looked at the evidence base research regarding gender dysphoria and, similarly to Europe, has decided there is no good science to support using puberty blockers, sex-altering hormones, and gender reaffirming surgery prior to full puberty. They have stopped Medicaid funding and, with the Florida Board of Medicine’s backing, are on the verge of making aggressive child-harming gender dysphoria treatment illegal.

Although public schools are ground zero for the possible sexual exploitation of our youth {not to mention CRT exploitation}; the school administrators and teachers are not the root cause of this moral catastrophe. These civil servants often lack the background knowledge and intellectual curiosity to question their indoctrination. Those who do, quickly find out they either conform or move on. Many of these civil servants are nothing more than robots, programmed by woke seminars, doing the bidding of their progressive masters.

 The real problem is “Woke” government agencies, mostly Federal but some State, who make policy {think Assistant Secretary of Health, transgender Rachael Levine}.


Secretary Rachel Levine

Rachel Levine


It is not only our children; America is also being groomed to embrace wokeness.

The Biden administration has put people in charge, not on the basis of merit but using the standard of adherence to rabid progressive dogma and Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity {DIE}. These individuals do not hesitate to wield their power. They have personal “Woke” agendas and are incapable of an evidence-based fair-minded approach. It’s not just Biden’s woke progressive government going after your children’s sexuality and force-feeding CRT.  The same concept is responsible for Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, allowing 5 million illegal aliens to invade our country along with sex traffickers and American youth killing fentanyl daily crossing the southern border.  Secretary of Defense, General Austin, a DIE appointment who is still looking for “White supremacists in the ranks”, has embarrassed our military by leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan and creating a military that is so “woke” it can no longer meet its recruitment needs. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, a former Governor with NO experience in the Energy sector, has dutifully destroyed America’s energy independence. Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, who championed massive federal giveaways, has brought back crushing inflation. The list goes on and on, but all have some things in common. All come with agendas based solely on the religion of woke progressivism. Many have pent-up anger from their own life experiences {think General Austin and Secretary Levine} and have not hesitated to force their personal views on America. The final thing they all have in common is they have failed miserably, and 74% of the nation believes America is on the wrong track.

Progressive elected officials are back in their States and districts, lying about their part in bringing all of this on to America. They are misrepresenting their part in confirming the Biden Cabinet incompetents and voting for massive giveaways which have sparked the worst inflation in generations. With a straight face, they tell you their promise to not raise taxes on people making less than $400,000 was kept; as you look at your energy bills, grocery bills, and mortgage payments, you cannot keep up. The average American is paying over $5500 extra/year {and going up} because of Joe Biden and these elected officials. They somehow defend forgiving individuals $10-$20,000 worth of student loans, forcing blue-collar Americas to pay for the excesses of college-educated progressive voters, increasing the national debt {$300 to $500 billion}, and further bankrupting our grandchildren. They tell you the $360 billion from the inflation reduction act {which doesn’t reduce inflation} is going to be spent on green energy and is going to save the world, but the WSJ reports it will only affect the rising temperatures by 0.0009 degrees Fahrenheit. All the while lining the pockets of progressive donors.

The grooming of the NH kindergartener is unconscionable, but it is only a symptom of the underlying disease. Similar to the abdominal pain that when investigated, uncovers incurable Pancreatic cancer, the grooming of our children is a late finding in the pernicious progressive disease process.

One can only pray it is not too late to save the country and make America great again!

2022 is here



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