Cultural Appropriation: Er, who WOULD you ask for permission?


Seriously,  this Political Correctness on campuses is just getting well past “Stuck on Stupid”.  Does anyone study any serious subjects anymore?  Or is this stuff just the end result of the intersection of the Self-Esteem Trophy movement in our educational system with the Cultural Marxist (aka, Political Correctness) – just a huge puddle of precious snowflakes that are too fragile for normal life?  This from The College Fix (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Stanford University’s Inter-Sorority Council hosted a public forum last week in response to protests against a Cinco de Mayo-themed fundraiser at Pi Beta Phi and a number of other Greek life events.  “As a rule of thumb, if an item or tradition is stripped of its original intent or cultural significance, it’s probably cultural appropriation,” said the moderator in opening the discussion.  He added cultural appropriation is the stealing of intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s culture without permission – and it’s made worse when “the source is a minority group that has historically been oppressed.”

Like the title asks – WHO would you ask for permission?  Is there some council or Star Chamber group that every ethnicity has stashed away somewhere so that you could knock on the door, rush in, hushly ask “hey, this ok?” and then go out and party?  Well of COURSE not, you dumbo!  Just the fact that you have to ask in the Progressive controlled cultural world now means that you’re one of the moronic insensitive unenlightened unwashed.

Cultural Appropriation.  Sigh.  One thing is sure, the Political Correctness crowd has no sense of: 

  • proportion
  • history
  • humor
  • fun for the sake of having some fun

It was a PARTY folks!  A one shot deal – oh dear, shot (as in tequila)  have I just run afoul myself of your easily bruised egos?

In one such email, Mexican-American student Julian Alberto Pena had said: “It is frustrating to see the beautiful culture I know relegated to a few props – sombreros, fake mustaches, ponchos, and tequila.”

Awe, I can’t help myself: “Check your Outrage“.  Is this like the other politically driven issue: the misnamed “assault weapon” definition?  Have more than one or two cosmetic items and you are guilty?  In this case, I have a real mustache (though I still long for the days of my handlebar mustache – long gone these 35 years when TMEW waved the wifely wand and said “begone!”). So does it mean I can have two out of the other four things and still be “legal”?  What if I just use one?  How about if I offset the poncho with a kilt (more to my Irish heritage) and bring a Viking sword (an ode to my Nordic ancestors) to offset a sombrero.  Can one expropriate one for the other?  Isn’t that paying one for the other and it would make it all better?  After all, the professional Grievance Twins (Rev. Al and Rev Jesse (Sharpton and Jackson)) demand that kind of cultural shakedown pay-off indulgences all the time.

Boy, this stuff gets hard – even with two STEM degrees, I can’t keep up with all of the invisible social tripwires these nitwits put in place for themselves but then accuse everyone else of breaking.  Stuff it, you perpetually outraged children and leave the rest of us to live adult lives where most of the time, we actually do practice tolerance even towards those that seem to be a bit nutty from time to time.  Even those that might offend us a little bit, you of the overgrown teachers’ pet mentality.

But let me ask this – before you force everyone to learn everyone else’s history, does that mean that as an American, I can force YOU to learn American history and culture FIRST (which always seems to be lost in these kinds of discussions – which seems to always be the point if you look hard at the stupidity of this type of nonsense)?  And not just the facts, but the reasoning and the philosophy as to why we have the history we do?  Can we use that as a baseline before you keep accusing others of violating some magical sense of dissing someone else culture?

It also proves that other old adage: Progressives / Socialists / Communists / Fascists  have no sense of humor:

They can’t laugh at themselves, so they can’t let anyone else laugh either.  Especially if it is at them.

Let’s add this as well – I think this perpetual atmosphere of “always offended at the slightest twitch” is showing a rather large problem in America.  Are we still the melting pot of the world, where we used to take traditions from each culture, throw it into the mix, throw out the bad and keep the good, and make America a better place?  THAT used to be the impetus of Diversity (before it became the superficially superficial idea that Diversity was merely about the top 1/4 inch of ones dermus).  Instead, the Cultural Marxists have turned that melting pot into the Garden Bowl where nothing melds together for the better – and now is trying to go the next level by permanently separating all Americans by type with walls of concrete, with never the twain shall meet but always be at war with each other


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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