GrokSHOT! – Gilford School Board codifies the rule that prevents Parents from talking to the School Board


Nothing in this policy shall be construed as giving parents/guardians the right to appeal to the School Board.”

Yup, you read that right (full policy after the jump) – the Gilford School Board had William “Billy” Baer arrested simply because he tried to seek  redress from his elected Gilford School Board elected representatives; he asked questions and they just sat there.  Stonewalled. Period. Refusing to address his concerns.  Making themselves unaccountable to the voters that put their derriers into those seats – the exact opposite of what a representative democracy is all about  (after all, listen again to Gilford School Board member Kurt Webber authoritarian demeanor).  As millions of people watch that video on the Internet, get mentioned in the print media, and widely watched on TV programs, the GSB’s stonewalling silence to engage Mr. Baer has turned them into a laughingstock.  One would think that they would have figured out, perhaps, that this was a “wrong track” event?

Nonsense!  They DOUBLED DOWN and have codified the regulation – if the Principal turns them down, that’s it. The Gilford School Board has codified itself from having to deal with the lowlies called Parents and Taxpayers:

 Parental Objection to Specific Course Material

The Board recognizes that there may be specific course materials which some parents /guardians find objectionable.

In the event a parent/guardian finds specific course material objectionable, she/he shall notify the building principal in writing of the specific material to which they object and request that the student receive alternative course material. The alternative must be sufficient to enable the child to meet state minimum standards for education in the particular subject area and must be agreed to by the parent/guardian and the building principal or designee. The parent/guardian shall not be required to provide a reason for objecting to the materials. Any cost associated with the alternative course materials shall be borne by the parent/guardian.

Nothing in this policy shall be construed as giving parents/guardians the right to appeal to the School Board.

Right in line with the NH Association of School Boards – of which Chair Sue Allen is a past President.  See – this also adds to the proof that School Boards, Educational staff, and teachers have a dismissive attitude towards Parents – “we will just make them irrelevant”


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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