Is Extreme Jeanne Shaheen Playing Both Sides of the Energy Game?

gas pump oldIt has been concluded that the Senate Democrat’s recent global warming  talk-a-thon was just an 11 hour infomercial to peddle their ideological ‘wares’ to “Buying up the US Senate” Hedge-Fund Billionaire Tom Steyer.  Steyer is loaded, and committed to funding acolytes of the Church of Global Warming in the US Senate.

If you recall, we reported on Extreme Shaheen’s elbow-rubbing soiree at Steyer’s exclusive California estate.

Well here we are, just days after Green Energies New Caligula feasted the Senators with Salmon and Grass fed beef (from his own ranch), just hours after Extreme Jeanne Shaheen’s participation in the 11 hour Senate infomercial, and what to my wandering eyes should appear, but campaign donations to Shaheen from the Petroleum Marketers Association of America (PMAA).

PMAA represents the legislative interests of oil giants like Exxon/Mobil, CITGO, Shell, BP, Phillips, and others.

PMAA members own and operate more than 60,000 retail fuel outlets across the country, such as gas stations, truck stops and convenience stores. Member companies supply motor fuels to an additional 40,000 independent retailers.

Jeanne Shaheen took $4,000.00 from PMAA in 2012, and in 2013-2014 they rank 19th among her top contributors going into the November elections.

Jeanne Shaheen is promoting the green energy agenda while simultaneously taking contributions from a lobbying outfit that represents 60,000 fuel oil retailers and 40,000 independent retailers.

Democrat Scott Brown haters will be happy to know the PMAA also gave money to Scott Brown and Charlie Bass.  Harry Reid and Dick Durbin have been recipients, as well as several of the faithful Democrat pulpit-pounders for Global Warming.   But none appear to have received as much as Shaheen in one election cycle.

This is all very interesting.

How does a priestess of the Green Machine like Shaheen explain dipping her campaign stick in the chassis of lobbyists for carbon energy?  Seems hypocritical to keep it, don’t you think?

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