One Percenter Jeanne Shaheen Proves She Is 99% Out Of Touch With America

people who careNew Hampshire Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen is participating in a special all night event in the US Senate.  From 10pm tonight until 9am Tuesday morning, twenty-eight Democrat Senators so far (I include the Independent socialist Bernie Sanders (VT) as a Democrat) will talk endlessly about …climate change.  Eleven hours of speeches about climate change.  And it’s an all-nighter.

Do you know what percentage of Americans who think climate, the environment, and pollution (combined) are one of our most pressing problems?

One percent.  According to Gallup 1% of Americans (consistently) view that issue as the most important Non-economic problem.  This means that the other 99% are concerned about something else.

Do you know what that something else is?  Jobs, the economy, the deficit, immigration, dissatisfaction with government is the number one non-economic problem they cite, followed by Healthcare, illegal aliens, moral decline, education, poverty, foreign aid, welfare, national security….all trump climate change (aka Global Warming).

and economic issues are even more important.  Jobs, the economy, and the deficit are all important to regular Americans, not global warming.

Disconnected.  Out of touch.  detached.  Isolated.  Disengaged.  Fringe.  Extremist.

Senator Shaheen is spending taxpayer dollars and directing taxpayer resources as if she is in that cloistered liberal fortress known as the Harvard faculty lounge where this sort of ideological bigotry is ‘settled science.’

That might explain the climate dog and pony show, put on by the out-of-touch progressive Washington elite.  They are more than willing to keep the taxpayer-funded fires burning all night long over an issue no one cares about but a handful of far-left Democrat US Senators, all of whom–I can guarantee you–are on the take from the environmental lobby.

Take a bow Senator so the 1% may applaud your ‘special interest’ in something 99% of America consistently find to be one of the least pressing problems for the nation.

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