My Little Putin “Pony”

The internet is a circus with many acts, not all suitable for every audience, but that’s like life. It’s also a great equalizer. Emperor Xi of China is Pooh Bear, and he hates that.

Being the master of totalitarian menace isn’t enough to prevent that from propagating hither and yon, so it does. Xi as Pooh or vice versa is embedded in the global collective conscience. We know it, and seeing Pooh or Xi might make us think about that.

Maybe instead of Taiwan, he should take over Disney?

Canada is strangling speech and rushing forward with other means to silence dissent. And it’s not just Castro’s little boy, Justin, trying to get er done. The Parliament, presumably elected by Canadians, has been pushing this woke junk for years.

Would-be tyrants everywhere invented hate speech as a vehicle for suppressing political discourse they hate—a fight they need to lose lest we become more like China.

And then there’s Vlad Putin. He is killing civilians to annex bits and pieces of Ukraine.

We’ve seen pictures of him shirtless riding bears, but the tone has shifted. Some of his own people oppose his war, so he’s having their concerns suppressed where and when he can, though not as thoroughly as his gone but not forgotten USSR would have done it.

But you can’t stop the signal, Mal. And maybe that explains the globalist and big tech desire to stifle speech, label it, censor it, define it, even require it.

Seig Heil!

Amidst all this crazy, we’re still having some fun.

The featured image was lying around the interwebs, so I’m just going to leave it here. Do with it as you wish, including photoshopping someone else’s face in there.

If you do, please share?

Ridicule is the best.


Putin my little unicorn pony parody
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