Scottsdale Parents Announce Intent to File Million-Dollar Claims Against the Bonds of School Board Members

Making claims on the bonds of public officials might not be the ticket we think it is, but here’s another example of it being applied with extreme prejudice and hopefully to significant effect.


Leigh Dundas and Miki Klann speak to the Scottsdale Unified School District in Arizona. During the meeting, Miki declares her intention to file a claim against the Governor’s surety bond on behalf of the SUSD board members. Each member of the board will be charged with practicing medicine without a license, child abuse, segregation and inappropriate sexual material in the school libraries.


Excellent work, that. I am particularly fond of the “practicing medicine without a license” claim, though I’m unclear how that would relate to officials responding to orders from the local Public Health Stasi.

But this report claims ten parents wrote a letter for every member of the board with the intent to file claims of 100,000.00 dollars each. That’s one million in liability per school board member. They have five days to respond, or the letters go to the Bond company.

As we showed earlier today, a mom who filed a claim against a Superintendents 4 million dollar bond after the district’s mask mandate harmed her son got the mandate dropped on day six after she filed the claim.

The mandate, not masking. Parents and students would have options which include wearing a mask.

And again, I have no clue how any of this works or would in your state or mine. This is information for you to pursue. Caution is warranted, and research is recommended. But they’ve declared war on your kids and parents. Any potential avenue for relief should be considered and, if legitimate, pursued.


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