Mom Files Complaint (Claim) against School Superintendent’s Bond – Gets Mask Mandate Dropped The Next Day

This is a fascinating discovery I know almost nothing about, but it intrigues me. Most elected and appointed public officials are bonded by law to protect citizens from fraud and malpractice: companies, contractors, and even union workers. And you, as a citizen, can file a claim against those bonds.

Your school boards, the contractors they hire, and the businesses they work with are probably all bonded. State and locally elected officials, local and state employees, Nashua legal yahoo Steve Bolton are also likely bonded.


All elected public officials are required to be bonded and they must sign an oath to uphold the Constitution of their State as well as the Constitution of the United States for America. Companies, contractors, and even unions are also required to have a surety bond.


I am led to believe that if you have a legitimate case of fraud or misconduct, or acts outside the law or oath of office, you can file a claim against their bond with the bond company. In one such example, according to Bonds for the Win,


A mother named Violet with a 16-year-old boy who has autism begged the schools to let her son have an exemption.

They refused. When forced to wear the masks he became distraught and he harmed himself so badly that he had to be hospitalized in a mental institution.


The Superintendent had a four-million-dollar bond, so the mom notified them that she would file a complaint (in five days) against that bond if the district did not rescind the mask mandate that harmed her child. Superintendents and school districts being who they are these days, the mom got no reply, so she filed the claim on day six.


The very next day we have a recording from the lawyers who represent the district explaining that they have to get rid of the masks, all state and federal funding is BLOCKED, and the superintendent is on her own with regard to the $4 million claim!!!


You can watch the video that comes with that story below – the mom explains what she went through to finally get her win.

Now, I have no idea about any of this, as I alluded to earlier. If this is a legitimate means of recourse to unresponsive boards or committees (contracted “experts,” elected officials, etc.) all sides can use it and will.

Some will use this superpower to more effect than others. Use or misuse could result in changes to the battle space. And it seems too good to be true. But it looked like an avenue worth pursuing, and hopefully, one of our well-informed readers will add in some necessary details one way or the other.

Here’s the video.




Note: the featured image is not THE school board it is just A School board.

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