Let’s All Do Our Part

The state of New Hampshire is in for a very rough patch at the moment. As cases of snow rise all around the entire region, officials brace for a tough time for all residents.

The percent of shovel use is expected to hit near 100% by the end of the day but officials say even though storm hospitalizations and deaths are very low we need to be very careful and recommend staying off the roads today.

Crazy Right-wing fringe groups think differently though.

We just need to let the storm run its course and after a while, as New Englanders, we will have a kind of immunity to the snow falling several times a year. After a while, you won’t even really notice it. You won’t even feel the need to stock up two weeks of groceries just before a storm.

We want to thank Timothy Carrier for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you want us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Health and weather officials say this is a very very dangerous road to go down. They say there are plenty of things we can do to slow the spread of snow.

Last year roughly 300,000 Tesla cars were sold in the US. And that, as we know, settled by the science, has a positive impact on climate change.

“I can’t even imagine thinking how severe the snow symptoms would be in New Hampshire right now if that number were to be less,” said one New Hampshire resident speaking on condition of anonymity.

Studies nowhere say that snow is five times more likely to fall without a Tesla purchased in your community than if there was.

In fact, most health and weather officials agree the best way to slow the spread of Snow is to make sure you get Tesla’d. Although they do admit it does wear off after a few months, it may catch on fire, and there is a slim chance it may drive itself right off the road into oncoming traffic.

Nonetheless, those side effects are extremely rare and they do recommend it for those of us of all ages. However, some purchasers will need a booster Tesla which officials say creates three times the less likelihood of snow on the rise.

Elon Musk the CEO of Tesla says that his company is geared up and ready to produce as many as is needed to keep the safety in place. Of course with the primary focus on the health and wellness of the communities and not my wallet.

I bought my Tesla to help protect my neighbors in my community from snowfall, said another individual. All I can think about is what if it snowed at grandpa‘s house? How can old a man of his age shovel? I could not bear the thought of him having to do that so I did my part. And if I have to buy a tesla once a year to keep our community safe then that’s what I’ll have to do.

As you would expect health and wellness issues like this always tend to divide people in this case it’s no different. There are those on the left calling for an outright ban on those who drive anything different. Some say they shouldn’t be allowed to go to the grocery store or shop at their local Walmart.

If we make them uncomfortable with their gas-guzzling, polluting ways then maybe they’ll change their minds and decide to get Tesla’d so we can finally end this snow pandemic. I mean it’s New England after all. We should not still be dealing with snow in the wintertime. Right ?

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