Governor Sununu – You Need to Stop Advocating Workplace Discrimination

Chris Sununu wants to be John Lynch. Lynch was a 4-term Democrat governor of New Hampshire of decidedly squishy construction. Sununu is running for that 4th term, and he’s already squishy and in the same direction as Lynch.

Lynch sold himself as the affable moderate Democrat but was easily pressured by the left to abandon his priorities to give them key legislative victories.

Sununu is styled as the affable moderate Republican – who is easily pressured by the left to abandon his own party’s priorities to give Democrats key legislative victories. For Dems who want to argue, he’s pro LGBT, abortion, federal money (with strings), he’s #woke and into diversity and equity commissions, and – if the abusive onslaught of Maggie’s ads is any indication – shares identical small business priorities with Democrat Senator Hassan.

4th Time’s The…what?

His excellency has announced, this past week, that he is not going to challenge US Senator Maggie Hassan for the job of Junior delegate seat-warmer, so those ads may begin to taper off. I guess we can thank him for that, but not this.

He insists that it is not the State’s place – his place – to tell private businesses what to do. This is dishonest for hundreds of reasons we’ve covered. The state meddles and meddled with private business to excess before COVID.

At the top of the list is discrimination.

The State claims to have established a public interest in preventing businesses from discriminating against qualified prospective or existing employees. You can’t refuse to hire and retain suitable personnel based on age, sex, race, gender orientation, creed, or a wide range of physical handicaps or pre-existing medical conditions including being a “woman” with a penis or a “man” without one.

But it is acceptable to terminate their employment if the handicap is an objection to experimental pharmacological treatments for COVID19. Injections that are guilty of false advertising. Inoculations that, despite your objections, will have to be repeated (almost indefinitely given that the booster is just more of the same failed serum).

Shots that have been known to harm, handicap, and kill at record-setting numbers.

As far as Chris Sununu is concerned, in the name of Public Health, the State has no business there.

Competent citizens should be fired for refusing THAT vaccine. Not the dozen or so that are typical in America from birth to the age of majority. Employers need not care about those. But the COVID Vax, the least efficacious, that’s the redline.

Because it’s a virus that 99.8% of working-age residents in the state need not fear.

Let’s discriminate against them. That’s his position.

And that’s a problem, and forget whitey. There are women, gays, and minorities, people of diverse color and backgrounds, who do not want or need The Jab. By refusing to protect them, you set the table for discrimination by other means. They are losing their jobs because of you, Governor.

That should be Chris Sununu’s legacy, especially now that he has come out against the Biden vaccine mandate … for private businesses.

I’ll protect you from the Feds on vaccine mandates, well, this one at least, but not from anyone else.

That’s all for show. He doesn’t mean it. That goes for his status as a registered Republican as well. It’s a facade.

He’s not a Democrat, that’s true. They’d have had us locked down indefinitely, masked outdoors, and taxed and regulated into submission. But settling for less is not more.

Republicans are the only party we currently have that claims to care about Constitutions—those devices whose sole purpose is to explain how the government exists to protect our individual rights. But, as we can see clearly, Mr. Sununu, a Republican, is not in office to protect those rights.

If we can’t start a third party and we can’t change the leadership of this one, pardon me if I’m not terribly excited about Chris Sununu running for a fourth term.


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