Democrats Set New Record

Steve MacDonald

gas prices -Democrats set record with 1000 consecutive days over 3.00 per gallonHere’s a feather for your cap, Democrat Party.  Party of the middle-class.  The compassionate party of Hard Working American Families™.  You guys, having had a majority control of congress for almost five years now, two of them with total control, are the first President and party in US History to preside over gas prices in excess of $3.00/gallon for 1000 days or more.

The national average price of gasoline will surpass $3.00 per gallon tomorrow for the 1,000th consecutive day for the first time on record, according to AAA.

Congratulations.  As a party your energy policy has probably cost American families more in unnecessarily high fuel costs per year than you have wasted on bankrupt alternative energy cronies.   I know, hard to imagine considering the hundreds of billions you have wasted on green energy boondoggles.  Can we call that a screw-the-American-people double-tap?

“Paying less than $3.00 per gallon for gasoline may be automotive history for most Americans, like using 8-track tapes or going to a drive-in movie,” said Bob Darbelnet, President and CEO of AAA. “The reality is that expensive gas is here to stay, which is tough on millions of people who need a car to live their lives. While a few lucky drivers may occasionally pay less than $3.00 per gallon, the national average is likely to remain more costly into the future.”

Today’s national average is $3.52 per gallon. Gas prices on average have remained above $3.50 per gallon for the majority of days during the current streak, and AAA projects the national average will remain higher than $3.50 per gallon tomorrow. Since the current streak began, consumers will have paid a national average of:

  • $3.25 per gallon or higher for 913 total days
  • $3.50 per gallon or higher for 643 total days
  • $3.75 per gallon or higher for 189 total days

AAA forecasts the national average will remain above $3.00 per gallon for at least another thousand days barring a major economic recession.

I wish I was only paying $3.00/gallon.

That is Democrat policy at its finest.   And the only cure is a recession?  Pass the party hats.  The left has not just screwed us out of billions, we can expect to get screwed out of billions more and they’ve made economic collapse the next best option for lower gas prices.  Wow.  I mean, like, wow.  They must be so proud.

That’s not actually the only way to fix that problem.

If we opened up domestic energy production it would create real jobs without taxpayer money.   It would create a lot of jobs, take people off unemployment and welfare.   Give them benefits and health coverage.  They’d be able to buy homes and care for themselves and their families.  It would also generate a lot of tax revenue for states who have tight budgets.   It would generate revenue for a federal government drowning in debt.   It would create secondary growth as private money circulated through the economy as people bought things with their money.

Cheaper fuel and electricity equals more money in people’s pockets.  More jobs and growth means a stronger economy.   Fewer people on the public dole means less debt spending and deficit spending.

You don’t need a computer model to see it just to make excuses for why you are against it.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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