GrokTALK! Special – Voter Fraud with Jeff Chidester WGIR AM 610


GrokTALK! logo smallThis morning, Ed Naile of CNHT and I were on with ‘Grok friend Jeff Chidester on The Morning Buzz from 8am to 9am this morning (like I told Jeff, thanks for letting me drive down from the Lakes Region in the middle of a torrential rain / constant lightning thunderstorm – I’ll remember that for next time).  Although there are TONS of stuff going one (f’instance, Jeff and his producer Jen Well (who I finally got to meet for the first time after talking to her on the phone multiple times!), we stayed pretty much on what we’ve been reporting on the ‘Grok for Voter Fraud.

Updated and bumped: Here are the first two segments from yesterday’s show – thanks to Jen Wells for sending it!  download or play

I was sent 3 segments starting from 8:20am onward – download them or listen to them here (hoping to get the front segments later – will update and bump this post if we do).  We’ll get them uploaded to our usual sites a bit later on.  Things / people that were brought up?  Here:

Jeff Chidester, Ed Naile, CNHT, WGIR, First In The Nation Primary, battleground State, Domicile, Voter Fraud

Rest after the jump.  The entire show: download or play

Segment 3 (guessing it was the third, anyways): download or play

Segment 4download or play

Segment 5download or play

Voter Integrity, NH Attorney General, Google, Melissa Shohet, OFA, Organizing for America, Millie Knudson, WMUR, Sr Assistant Attorney General Michael K. Brown, Melissa Shohet, State Senator Martha Fuller Clark, Martha’s Motel,  Janice Rottenberg, Paolo Cozzi, GraniteGrok, Coalition of NH Taxpayers,military votes, vote stealing, Bryan Gregory Griffith, Arkansas, Bryant Arkansas, Arkansas BAR Association, drivers license, domicile, intent, KARN, income tax, in-kind donation, Ryan Fitzpatrick Flynn, conspiracy to commit voter fraud, absentee vote, Geoff Wetrosky, Kathy Sullivan (by inference), whitewashing, Mollie Shaheen, Naked Undies, slander?, Voter ID, RSA 654.12, 4600 returned letters of unaccountable voters, 99000 same day registrations, provisional votes, voting “nests”

And we thank Jeff Chidester, Jen Wells, and WGIR for letting up come on to talk about Voter Fraud and Voter Integrity!


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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