A Return to Martha’s Motel – Ellen Whelan-Wuest Knows How to Vote In Her ‘Home’ State

Steve MacDonald

State Senator Martha Fuller Clark has some explaining to do with regard to Ellen Rose Whelan-Wuest.Martha's Motel Martha Fuller Clark home to out of state vote stealers

Ms. Whelan-Wuest makes no mention of New Hampshire on her LinkedIn profile as a place of employment or even interest.  Chicago, Durham (North Carolina), Brooklyn NY, even New York City, where she is working presently.

We have her tracks in all of these places, Duke University, a romantic interest in Middlebury VT; working for the Town of Durham, NC; employed as a staffer by a New York State Senator from Brooklyn.   And I bring all of these up because while away from North Carolina, in these various roles, she voted or early voted in North Carolina even though she was working elsewhere in the country at the time.

But isn’t expecting someone to do that, or even something similar, like mail an absentee ballot…vote suppression?

Voting where you’re from instead of where you are.  What’s that all about?  That’s how most of the nation does it and it’s not a bad thing.  But not here; let’s just call it the New Hampshire disadvantage, unless you are a liberal Democrat with a motel where you train vote felons. (If they did it anywhere else….they’d probably be charged with a crime.)


We know that Dear Sweet Ellen was still registered to vote from the home of State Senator Martha Fuller Clark, while she was working in NYC, and voting in North Carolina.

We also know that Democrat State Senator Fuller-Clark is not sure when Whelan-Wuest left our state.  Not sure as in, sometime after she voted here in 2008 as an out-of-state campaign flack or not sure is an in, even though the checklists were all supposed to be cleaned a few years after 2008, Whelan-Wuest somehow still appears as a registered voter “living” at the home of Martha Fuller Clark in 2013 and you can’t explain how that is even possible…not sure?

I’d love to hear the explanation for that.  (I’ll just keep making up my own while we wait.)

So what is more ironic?

New Hampshire Democrat’s ignore (shun, resist, avoid, reject,  evade, eschew, elude, shirk, dodge, flee)  the idea of absentee voting (or similar practices) as a legitimate tool for people to vote back home when insisting that any opposition to college kids or campaigners with out of state licenses voting here is some kind of vote suppression–while Ellen Whalen-Wuest has been voting in North Carolina almost every year after 2008, even though she is working outside the state?

Or is it more ironic that Democrat State Senator  Martha Fuller Clark’s memory loss can’t explain why after a checklist purge she still has the names of out of state voters she claims left years before the purge are still listed as “living” in her own home for voting purposes, in a historical district in Portsmouth, from her single family home?

Like I said.  Martha Fuller Clark has some explaining to do.  Too bad you can no longer use that out-of-state resident vote-suppression meme anymore.  Ellen screwed that up for you.   You could try sticking with the selective senility bit, but that may not play well come 2014 when you are up for re-election and Martha’s Motel is open for business yet again, and you can’t seem to recall who was living there, why, or when they left.  But you can bet we’ll be watching and waiting.

Here’s a capture of the registration and voting history image from North Carolina for Ms. Ellen Rose Whelan-Wuest.  Compare it to her work history and surprise…you can still vote “where you really live.”     (Sure wish we had something like this.)

Ellen Rose Whelan Wuest  Voting record


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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