GrokTALK! for 7/20/2013 – Jeff Chidester joins the gang for Segment Two

by Skip

GrokTALK! logo smallSusan, Mike, Skip and Father Christian Tudor were joined by Jeff Chidester start off the Segment 2 by starting a process of  Question and &Answers

  • A question from the Fox News show “The Five”: Who kills more – Smith & Wesson or Ben & Jerry’s?
  • State Judge won’t dishonor Obama with Detroit bankruptcy: A state judge has demanded that Michigan governor Rick Snyder withdraw his federal bankruptcy filing for the bankrupt city of Detroit.  Reason: Unconstitutional via State Constitution as the city’s pension obligations will have to be reduced, causing “irreparable damage” to pensioners. Yet of course it is precisely the city’s billions of dollars in debt to underfunded pensions that is at the heart of the problem. Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection was filed after the city’s creditors refused to accept a restructuring plan that would have included, among other things, a dime-on-the-dollar payout for underfunded pensions (mostly union). American Jurisprudence at its finest:  City can’t pay the pensioners because it has no money.  Judge says have to pay pensioners with money it doesn’t have (and probably can’t borrow anymore).Can the courts FORCE the Feds to bail it out?  Should the CA cities feel discriminated against if so?
  • Conservative vs Progressive (“the blue social model”) views on Government model

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