1619 Project Creator Nikole Hannah-Jones: Socialism Solved Racism in Cuba

Nikole Hannah-Jones invented the 1619 project to march your kids down the path to America-hating Race-shaming, Marxism. She’s also on the record claiming Socialism ended racism in Cuba. I think she meant the racist Ernesto Che Guevara ended racism.

Che was a racist bigot and mass murderer but before we get too far along that road, let’s see what she actually said.


“If you want to see the most equal multi-racial – it’s not a democracy – the most equal multi-racial country in our hemisphere, it would be Cuba,” Hannah-Jones said. “Cuba has the least inequality between black and white people of any place really in the hemisphere … Most of the Caribbean, it’s hard to count because the white population in a lot of those countries is very, very small, they’re countries run by black folks, but in places that are truly at least biracial countries, Cuba actually has the least inequality, and that’s largely due to socialism, which I’m sure no one wants to hear.”


She appears to be as good at reimagining Communist Cuba’s history too. Not so good for us or truth, as if that matters where Leftists are concerned.

Nikole won a Pulitzer Prize, which has become to journalism what the Nobel Peace Prize means for Peace. Any actual connection would be accidental.

And if Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara were still with us, he’d probably have won it for ending racism in Cuba.

Audio: In case you doubt me.

HT | Legal Insurrection

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