Dan Concannon – Additional Thoughts on the Left’s Cultural Revolution Now in Progress in Our Schools and Government

No decent human being supports Critical Race Theory or any of the ongoing anti-White lunacy. Or, any of the other components of the cultural revolution in which we find ourselves.

But the fiends that enforce this fiction have control of every government and corporate institution in the West. And they require us to participate in attacks against ourselves while they hold our jobs and our kids’ futures hostage. Threatening to destroy our livelihood here and now should we dare resist our coerced contribution to the destruction of our own civilization.

We want to thank Dan Concannon for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

These people do not seek “diversity.” They do not seek “equity.” They do not seek “inclusion.”

They do not seek whatever the latest stupid word they’ve made up to clobber our psyches with pretends to stand for. They seek the erasure of our past, our present, and our future.

Related: School District Site Coordinator’s Epic Resignation Letter 

We have only ourselves to rely on to see that they fail miserably at these goals. To “grin and bear” their incessant attacks, imagining that they will go away, is to concede defeat. Don’t do this.

These people love to rail about “institutional power” without the slightest acknowledgment of the irony that they are the institutional power. Institutional power is all that they have. They are otherwise weak – physically and spiritually. But they are relentless. The passivity and non-engagement of good people is no defense for the fevered onslaught from these institutional powers.

So let us engage.

Stop listening to them and start listening to your gut. Look around. Are you not revolted by nearly everything that you see on television, online, and in reality? Nightmare scenarios that you would have scoffed at as grotesque fantasies ten years ago are now unremarkable realities.

That is the result of our collective failure to overcome our fear of remaining faithful to reality, listen to our guts, and revolt against those that are leading this revolt against nature.

Do not comply with their sickness. Do not play along with their inversion of reality. Do not remain silent. We’ve now spent generations in retreat from this anti-civilizational advance. There is nowhere left for us to run. We have been cornered. Now, let’s fight our way out.


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