Reversing Trump’s Priorities, Biden Puts Citizens Last, Special Interests First

by Don

Joe Biden has begun his Presidency by attacking the well-being of middle and lower income Americans by destroying their jobs, lowering their incomes, raising their cost of living, and increasing the threats to their personal safety.        

Using the excuse of Climate Change, Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline and suspended new oil/gas leases on Federal lands.  These actions kill tens of thousands of good American jobs, some highly-skilled, highly paid blue-collar jobs.

Biden’s climate change actions will increase the cost of almost everything we buy: fuel, electricity, food, toilet paper, etc.  Closing the Keystone XL pipeline increases petroleum transportation costs, greenhouse gases, and the likelihood of environmental damage.  Stopping production on Federal lands reduces our energy independence and our national security, while benefitting Russia and other petroleum producers.

Rejoining the Paris Climate Accords further increases our cost of living and destroys more, mostly blue collar, jobs.  John Kerry acknowledged “we could go to zero (emissions) tomorrow and the (climate) problem isn’t solved”.  So why hurt Americans and destroy American jobs now while developing the solutions and new jobs? (Perhaps because the people making these decisions won’t suffer.)

Biden suspended deporting illegal aliens almost all of whom are criminals, some of   those responsible for harming Americans: killing 2000 directly, killing tens of thousands with their illegal drugs, and raping, robbing, and otherwise victimizing hundreds of thousands annually.

Biden stopped building the border wall which helps protect American citizens while promising to restrict our rights to protect ourselves.  Note that, despite no known threat, Congress has erected a wall around the Capitol and maintains thousands of National Guards-people for their protection.   The Washington elite care about their “important” lives, but not the lives of the rest of us.

The millions of illegal alien and other immigrant workers that Biden entices to come here will make the lives of the Americans laid off by Biden’s climate actions and the Americans who lost jobs due to the China virus much more difficult and dangerous.

Despite China’s hostility and threats to cut off essential supplies, Biden is increasing our exposure to China’s hostile actions including allowing China to offer solutions for key parts of our electrical grid, on which the life of every American depends.

On the campaign trail Biden promised a plan to quickly defeat the China virus; now he reveals he can do no more than Trump was already doing…except for his plan to vaccinate terrorists in Guantanamo before vulnerable Americans.

Reversing Trump’s priorities, Biden’s administration is sacrificing the well-being of middle and lower income Americans to benefit Washington special interests, his billionaire supporters, and leftist elites.

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