Calling BS on the BS

Obama is an idiotMr. Obama is now famous for something else.  Using the word Bullsh***er in an interview…when referring to a child’s aptitude for sensing it (in others)…like in his opponents for example.

That must be something the public school system beats out of them then because were it true he’d have never been elected to the office of the President.  No one is full of more BS than Obama.

Take this BS from Obama for example, courtesy of Hot Air...

If you were looking for a bunch of partisan rhetoric, I’m probably not your guy.”

If you can’t beat your opponent’s ideas, you distort those ideas — maybe you just make some up. If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as somebody people should run away from. You make big elections about small things.”

We have to get to the point where we can have a conversation about big important issues that matter to the American people without vitriol, without name calling, without the assumptions of the worst in other people’s motives.”

Up until Tuesday’s release of the Obama Picture Book and 2008 Campaign Lies Retrospective Pamphlet (OPBCLRP)–dressed up for Halloween as a second term agenda–everything about the 2012 Obama campaign has been about finger-pointing, name calling, distortion, dodging his own record and issues, and vitriol.

I’m calling BS on the BS.  I will give him credit though.  Just when I think my opinion of this lying, snarky, arrogant, opportunistic, power junky can’t get any lower he manages to find more decline.  Must just be a gift he has.


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