Rolling Stone Democrat Women

“Apparently Republican Women Do not Shape the Future.”

Rolling Stone, that bastion of cutting edge journalistic integrity, published a special “Women Shaping the Future edition.” It included profiles or interviews with four politicians. Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Antisemite Ilhan Omar. Connecticut Democrat Jahana Hayes (who?). And Speaker Nancy Pelosi. No Republican women. Not one. Which lead Conservative Tribune Writer Karista Baldwin to note, because apparently Republican … Read more

Calling BS on the BS

Obama is an idiotMr. Obama is now famous for something else.  Using the word Bullsh***er in an interview…when referring to a child’s aptitude for sensing it (in others)…like in his opponents for example.

That must be something the public school system beats out of them then because were it true he’d have never been elected to the office of the President.  No one is full of more BS than Obama.

Take this BS from Obama for example, courtesy of Hot Air...

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