“Who is Your Pick to Win NH’s Congressional District One Republican Primary?”

It’s new poll time as we turn our eye toward the races for the US House of Representatives. We’ll start with District one. We want your opinion. Which Republican primary candidate would you like to see challenge Chris’ Norovirus’ Pappas?

Related:  GrokPoll Results: “Would You Support a Republican Primary Challenger to NH Gov. Chris Sununu?”

You have three candidates left from which to choose.

Matt Mayberry, Matt Mowers, and Jeff Denaro.

As always, you get one vote, and votes are limited by IP. The poll will run until Sunday at Midnight, and the results will be announced on Monday morning (May 18th)

[yop_poll id=”5″]

This not a scientific poll, not that those are any better than this. Just my opinion.


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