Boston’s Non-Emergency ‘Number’ Inundated With Reports About People Not Wearing Masks in Public

The City of Boston has an app called 311. You can use it, call it, even send a message from a PC or laptop. It’s for non-emergency notifications by the general populace. And it is being inundated by an army of Gladys Kravitz busy-bodies ratting out their neighbors.

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The problem? Those people are not following the guidelines. Wear a mask in public. Stay 6-feet apart. OBEY!

What has their COVID-19 dander up? People in the park. Picnicking on Bunker Hill. Partying on their deck, playing drinking games.

The outrage!

Gladys Kravitz
Gladys Kravitz – Bewitched

A Roslindale resident wrote, “My neighbors are not social distancing and they all have young children. I only am reporting this because I am a registered nurse recovering from coronavirus and it’s very frustrating for me to witness them every single day outside together in a group. No face masks or physical distancing even between the parents. I know it’s a difficult time right now but people need to smarten up and be safe. Thank you!”

For the record, living in close quarters as one of five “adults” (I have three college-age kids in my house) social distancing is impossible even were we inclined to attempt it. As for my wife, we avoid social distancing as often as is practical or appropriate. If one of us got a flu we’d all get exposed long before anyone knew. I suspect our visit from the flu fairy came in early to mid-February, one casualty – mild symptoms for a few days then all better. Long before the hysteria.

Just like every flu season. And we’re not getting tested for anything unless someone needs a doctor or a hospital because we’re not psychotic moonbats. I’m the closest thing to high-risk in our household and I can’t tell you the last time I got any kind of flu. More than a decade? 

My annual bought with pneumonia ended when I got out of the dirty, dusty, package handling business back when GW Bush was the president. 

Why so indifferent? I wash my hands a lot every flu season. And to be honest the BS is deep surrounding this “crisis.” 

And there is zero evidence that social distancing has any impact on anything.

And, by the way, if you are wearing a mask why do you need to be 6-feet apart? If there is no “droplet” escaping into the wind to be carried 5’11 7/8″ to infect someone (yes, that’s a dig) then what’s the point? Social distancing would only apply to people who are not wearing a mask. And only then in the presence of people who are also not wearing one; again, not that there’s any proof that actually works, especially if (like family members) they have already been in close or intimate contact.

In other words, stop taking that placebo. It’s an arbitrary social redimensioning “teddy bear’ with no basis in scientific fact. An urban legend waiting for time to pass so that it can actually qualify as legendary.

But if it makes you feel better, do it. If covering your face adds a sense of security, cover-away! 

By the same token, I’d be fine with healthy adults under 60 with no pre-existing conditions and no contact with anyone who is high risk being allowed to blaze a path back toward normal. To at least have the freedom to decide what that looks like. (And if you are over 60 it’s none of my damn business what you do.)

If you own a business or would like to frequent one,  have at it. If you own a business and want people to wear a mask or gloves, provide them. People who don’t want to wear them can go someplace else. And anyone who does not want that choice can stay home, peek from behind the curtains, and continue living in their self-isolated OVID-hysteria.

No one is going to stop you.

| Boston Herald

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