GraniteGrok Passes Seacoast Online as Summer Surge Pushes us to #2

Four days ago we reported our Grok July Summer surge from 5th on our list of NH Media Internet traffic leaders to 3rd place. Yesterday we leaped over Seacoast Online into the Number two spot, behind the Union Leader.

On the 12th I noted that, 

I’m not expecting this to last, but it is proof of possibilities. Experience tells me that if nothing else changes, we are building the audience necessary to move up and stay ahead of both.  [and that] As noted in the opening, the averages wax and wane. One great story can shift the balance for a few weeks or months.

We passed 8,000 other websites in the US to get here. And that could mean they were on vacation. Seriously. Regular content, evenly distributed -that attends to the needs of some segment of readers goes a long way. I think we’ve worked hard to fill a niche in New Hampshire, and perhaps much of the Northeast that needed filling. News and Opinion not hampered by liberal bias.

Again, I’m not saying this is our new home, yet. But that’s our goal. And once we’ve secured it for more than a few days or weeks, we’ll start a new list with new goals that include other forms of media with an internet presence.

WMUR, WGIR, and so on. But that’s a story for another day. For the moment, let us bask in this new sun while we have it and work toward more of what got us here. (Thanks, for reading!)

Site Name (Sorted by US Rank)
US Rank Global Rank
Union leader 10,721 65,058
GraniteGrok 20,579 150,882
SeacoastOnline 26,077 120,260
Concord Monitor 29,620 140,772
Fosters Daily Democrat 36,090 166,000
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