School Teacher Tries to Transgender 8 Year Old Without Parents Knowledge

This is an interesting case. We have parents who buy-in to the gender spectrum, suing a school district because a teacher deliberately targeted a student for transgender indoctrination.

The teacher at Nellie Muir Elementary School in Woodburn targeted the boy for transgender indoctrination when he started using the staff restroom after a stomach issue made him feel uncomfortable about using the boys’ toilet. The teacher took the 8-year-old aside, spoke shortly to him, and then proceeded to share all kinds of transgender literature and videos with him. The teacher asked the boy several times whether he thought he was a girl and even held him out of recess in order to read transgender books and watch transgender videos. Oh, and to top it off, there were one-on-one conversations about transgenderism.

The parents were not consulted. They didn’t even know. And the kid is all screwed up. He’s confused, depressed, erratic. So, the parents are suing the district for a million dollars in damages which is small potatoes given the circumstances. But here’s the bigger problem.

Who taught the teacher to do this? Where did they get the idea that this was acceptable? Why did they do it without consulting the parents first?

Many of you know the answer. Ed schools are indoctrinating generations of teachers to indoctrinate because of their parents. We see this with global warming, sex and abortion, the gender spectrum. Create separation between parents and kids. Make them believe the state is a better guardian. And if possible, use the kids to indoctrinate parents.

I can tell you that a million dollar hit isn’t going to be enough. Districts won’t stop hiring these teachers until it gets so expensive that it isn’t worth it. 

By the way, the last time I looked, the teacher has not been suspended. 

| PJ Media

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