Liberal Justice Elena Kagen Was Appointed In August Before a Mid-Term Election

Elena KagenRemember when the Republican Majority Senate refused to advance Obama Nominee Merrick Garland before the 2016 Presidential Election? The “rule” they invoked was called the Biden Rule.

It was first proposed by Democrat Sen. Joe Biden. But it’s not etched in stone. Not even close.

From Red State.

Doh!  The Biden/Schumer rule applies in PRESIDENTIAL election years, and [Democrats] should know, they invented it.  McConnell merely applied it in 2016, much to their chagrin.  Oh, and since 2018 is a mid-term election, it’s worth remembering Obama got Elena Kagan appointed in August 2010, also a mid-term. 

So, when Republicans didn’t advance a candidate in 2016, they could be said to be following the advice of (former Obama VP and likely 2020 Democrat presidential candidate) Joe Biden.

The last time a Supreme Court Justice was nominated before a mid-term election was by a Democrat majority Senate, in 2010, which netted us very-liberal justice Elena Kagen, right before the Democrat’s got wiped out in November.

The moral of the story is that the Democrats have no leg to stand on and Senate Republicans can feel free to do whatever the hell they please because as I pointed out here, that’s precisely what the Democrats would do.

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