Welcome to Alinsky. And from what I’ve seen in over a decade, once riled and put upon, the Right is much more ingenious in being a Resistance. I look around at the signs of today and there is little creativity when compared to some of the TEA Party signs.
Like I said – fair game. I do feel sorry for David Hogg, a little bit, for he’s done a lot of damage to himself in the short term (like not getting into the colleges he wanted to). He keeps it up in the fashion he has adopted, I’m betting it will get worse longer term. He doesn’t understand, being a “yute” and all, that those adults behind him will use him until he is no longer of use. And in the future, when perspective employers google him up, they will see what he has done as well as how Conservatives have “amplified” his message.
He’s not just the Cindy Sheehan of the current era, but sometimes political activism, if not done right, and you can end up as Colin Kaepernick as well (without the millions up front).
(H/T: Susan)