Levi Sanders Challenges NH Democrats To Run Left- Can They Keep Up?

Progressive_Flo_CommunistaI’m not picking sides in CD-1 (on the Republican side), but the race is still interesting. When Levi Sanders hinted at and then promptly entered that race a day later as a Democrat I think he did so with the number one seed. He’s the guy to beat. And he’s just like Dad, or maybe worse – which to Democrats means better.

Is that a boon to the Republican nominee; because every Democrat in the CD-1 field will have to crawl over each other to get to the left of Levi, a nearly impossible task, not that they aren’t already trying.

But I think they have to do it.

New Hampshire Democrats swarmed to Bernie’s ticket in 2016 despite state party leadership and the congressional delegation being part and parcel to the Clinton machine. They had no positive influence on the outcome at all,

That’s because progressive activist base in the GraniteState is far left, alt-left, the socialist-democrat way the heck-over-there-wing of the party. And these are primary voters. These are the people who are angry, Trump-hating, Republicans-are-white-supremacist, statue assaulting, social-justice-trans-gun-grabbing-fully-out-of-the-closet Marxist loons.

To them, Antifa violence to silence speech they oppose is justified.

You get your rights from them and their government.

And that’s a problem in 2018.

Republicans should not underestimate their ability to move the needle for a Marxist shill like Levi. These are people who will stand in line for bread and brag about how great it is. And they’ve been showing up and getting other Democrats out to vote in every special election since November 2016.

Wingnut, tin-foil-hat-moon bats powered by their disgust for Trump and Republicans. They. Are. Motivated.

Republicans, not so much. But they should be. They have much more to lose.

So, the landscape needs to change in meaningful ways that will get the Trump voters out to the polls in November, or Republicans will be calling him congressman Sanders and asking him to say hello to Speaker Pelosi for us.


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