This has got to be about one of the stupidest ideas I’ve heard yet – akin to “we have to destroy the village to save it” (or Bush’s “”I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system”). Seriously, a bucket of rocks to throw against an active shooter? Really, who thinks of such idiocy? Oh yeah, teachers:
Pa. district arms teachers with rocks in case of school shooter
A rural school district in Pennsylvania is arming teachers and students with buckets of rocks as a last resort should an armed intruder burst in, the superintendent said.
Every classroom in the district about 90 miles northwest of Philadelphia has a 5-gallon bucket of river stones, said Blue Mountain School District Superintendent David Helsel. “We always strive to find new ways to keep our students safe,” Helsel told The Associated Press in a telephone interview, adding that the rocks are one small part of the district’s overall security plan. Throwing rocks is more effective than just crawling under desks and waiting, and it gives students and teachers a chance to defend themselves, he said. The district has about 2,700 students at three elementary schools, a middle school and a high school.
Yeah, like a group of first graders are going to bean someone with a pistol. What are these people smokin’? Oh, sorry, my fault – they’re so deep into the Progressive civilian disarmament belief that they really think that this is a “solution” and can’t bring themselves to a real solution (like shoot back)? Somebody fire that Superintendent for thinking this up and then trying to pass it off as being legit. And remember, for most of those kids, they’re only “single shot” arms – one swing and outta ammo rocks. Not even a “standard rock magazine?
Staff and students in the Blue Mountain district have been trained in a program called “ALICE” which stands for alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate. Helsel said the rocks are part of the “counter” portion of training, fighting back if the intruder makes his way into the classroom.
Well, I guess this goes along with the general level of education. Ok, insert “he’s got rocks in his head” joke now.
(H/T: Seacoast Online)