I guess she doesn’t know what REAL fear can be and “feelz” won’t save her


Courage is the mastery of Fear“This is a all a hoax about people who think a right granted 250 yrs ago is more important than people’s right to live and not be in fear.”

– Patti Story (commenting on the WDL 2A Rally a couple of weeks ago now…….)

She’s wrong on both accounts.  First, the Right to self-defense as embodied in the Second Amendment is not “granted” in the Bill of Rights, it was simply enumerated as being an existing Right that preceded the formation of the United States and was known to be a Right from God and Nature’s God simply by dint of being human.  “Granted” was never in their vocabulary. If a Right is “granted,” it can be taken away and they shuddered at the idea that they were creating a Hobbesian form of government.

She also, along with most Progressives, makes the error that “proper” history only starts the day before they were born – anything before that must not be relevant to the current day (fools that they are).  Simply because it is “old” it must be torn down or thrown away in order to “progress”. What she and others of her ilk (of the Socialist family lineage) will never accept is the primacy of the Individual over The State that the Founders promulgated; a most radical idea at the time when the Divine Right of Kings still ruled the day in government philosophies.  This is why we Liberty lovers just state the obvious – they wish to return us to such restrictive and totalitarian governments by rejecting our Founding Principles.

As to the last clause:

“people’s right to live and not be in fear” – show me, in our founding papers, where such a Right exists.  Let me clue in the ignorant – it doesn’t exist.  Never has, never will – it is merely a figment of a Utopia-that-will-never-exist fanatic.  Life is defined by risk – there is no such thing as “fair” nor being constantly “not in fear”.  There is no Right to that state of being recognized by our Founders nor one that has ever been written into any legislation that I know of.  Sure, it would be nice to think we are safe but that’s not going to happen.  Even the Supreme Court has ruled that police are not required to protect an individual.  Thus, The State has no compulsion to do what Ms. Story assumes to be reality.

She and others spouting the same nonsense should read Mark Twain’s words above.

(H/T: Susan)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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