Er, no. That’s one of the big reasons why I left the GOP a few years ago now. They preach their philosophy and then act against it.
Democrats are unable to tell us what the difference is between them and Socialists. Tell me, with the passage of the $1.3 Trillion budget morass, what is the difference between the DC GOP and Democrats? Bueller? Bueller? Please, can anyone tell me? Seriously, does the GOP expect that turning off the Conservative wing of the Party (and those of us that can pull their ballot during the Primaries) is a task that will keep them from LOSING the US House and Senate? And don’t get me started on the NH House and Senate either! They don’t have $1 Trillion to spend but they have royally ticked a lot of their base off lately in creating larger and larger government (e.g., keeping Medicaid Expansion, add yet another Government mandate with paid leave – both of which is pushing NH closer and closer to a broadbased tax).
I think I’m really going to start looking at the Federalist Party as a logical and rational alternative to the GOP.
(H/T: Powerline)