Gunstock Ski Area - financial responsibility to Belknap County as declared by the Belknap County Delegation - Granite Grok

Gunstock Ski Area – financial responsibility to Belknap County as declared by the Belknap County Delegation

By the Belknap County Delegation (all of the NH House Representatives)



BE IT RESOLVED by the county convention of Belknap County, New Hampshire, that, pursuant to §399.14 (c) of the New Hampshire Laws of 1959, Chapter 399, as amended, the Gunstock Area Commission is hereby required to turn over to Belknap County, within 45 days after the close of each fiscal year, any sums accumulated and on hand at the end of the fiscal year in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of the average gross income of the three (3) immediately preceding fiscal years, not required for the payment of outstanding bills or amortization of outstanding indebtedness; and this requirement shall be deemed to be a continuing requirement unless and until such time as this resolution is amended or revoked by a majority vote of the Belknap County Convention.

Resolution Adopted on March 20, 2018

By a vote of 8 to 7.

Backstory by Skip: Gunstock Ski Area in Belknap County

For those not in the know, Gunstock Ski Area is not a private entity – it is owned by the County and as such, the Belknap County Delegation is budget oversight of it even though the Gunstock Ski Area Commissioners have more hands-on responsibility for the running of the different seasonal activities with oversight of the day-to-day management staff.  For the 30 odd years that I’ve lived here (I actually live on the backside of the mountain range where Gunstock is located – I can see the night lights from my home), there has always been a financial tussle as to the ski area having to get loans from the county at times and issues with how much the ski area is “going to make” and pay to the County.  The last few years have been exceedingly “interesting” to watch – at times it was a “slag fest”.

And now, the above is what the Gunstock Commissioners are going to have to live and manage by financially. Hey, if the RSAs / state statutes say “shall”, it must be done, right?

Frankly, if it were up to me, I’d tell the Delegation AND the State to sell off the ski areas they both own – the Proper Role of Government should never include a portfolio of things that the Private Sector can do better, more efficiently, and cheaper than government.  Ditto for the liquor stores.

But that’s me.  But loyal readers already knew that!
