Good Guy with a gun stops a bad guy – this time, it’s personal

by Skip

holstered-gun1People like NH State Rep Katherine Rogers don’t believe that phrase “Good guys with guns stop bad guys” should ever exist, is really just “fake news”, part of a mythology that has to be put down, and never misses an opportunity to advance the cause of killing off the Second Amendment and Article 2A here in NH.  Unfortunately, real examples of that phrase actually do happen and I’ve posted a few here at the ‘Grok from time to time.  This one, however, is different; this time, it’s personal.

No, not me – this happened not once, not twice, but three times with The Eldest and I just heard his story this past week as we drove down to pick up the now elderly Saab from the garage.  They took place just after he finished his hitch with the Marines and came home.  A friend of his, female, was working the overnights at a local convenience store that, at the time, was the object of a number of robberies.  The Eldest has ALWAYS been very loyal and protective of his friends so knowing the manager well, he used to dub around the store doing little things (not an employee) to help out, especially in the coolers but always keeping an eye on his friend at the register.

Well, his friend was most likely most appreciative for his presence as he recounted that one time, a group of guys came and just wandered around; it  was clear that they were waiting for other customers to clear out (the store was not THAT big).  When the last customer went out the door, the Eldest saw that they were starting to assemble near the counter, he strode out of the cooler.  Now, he’s not physically all that impressive – just a regular guy but happened to always (at least at that time) Marine T-Shirts from his deployments.  He also exuded that “Marine attitude” – you’d have to be quite stupid and have a Social IQ of a gnat to miss it.  He recounted that they really stared at the graphics and the words on it.

And they really stared at his hip – he was open carrying his SIG 9mm (even as he had his NH Pistol / Revolver permit that would have allowed him to conceal carry).

As he quietly walked to behind the counter to back up his friend, they quietly placed all the stuff they had picked off the shelves onto the counter – and then quietly turned around and walked out the door. He simply went back to work .

There were two other times when this played out almost exactly the same way except both times it was only a couple of guys each.  The last time, they left but within the hour, hit another store and did rob it.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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