Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Need Your Money

Steve MacDonald

PlannedParenthood-logoYesterday I observed that there was a high probability that Republican Executive Councilor Chris Sununu was going to vote to fund Planned Parenthood retroactively with your taxpayer dollars. As a Republican and the deciding vote, this has attracted some attention but not necessarily for the reason that it should.

Regardless of how you may feel about whatever it is that Planned Parenthood does they do not need your money to do it, and no matter what is in “the contract” Councilor Sununu should know that.

They do not need it to print educational materials, to keep a website up, or to keep the phones open, nor do they require these dollars, so the lights stay lit.

They do not need the money for anything, not even services “necessary or otherwise.” Planned Parenthood Northern New England (PPNE) has plenty of money. It has so much damn money that they can afford to spend over $1.5 million dollars (or more) every year so lobbyists can write contracts requesting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars that Executive Councilors like Chris Sununu are supposed to approve.

You don’t have to be for or against abortion to oppose this. You just have to object to crony kickbacks and taxpayer funded circle-jerks. PPNE spends over a million dollars every year to get people who make spending decisions to give them your money for things that Democrats demanded other taxpayer funded programs fund.

Gubernatorial candidate Frank Edelblut nailed this point in a recent press release, emphasis mine.

Ignoring the fact that this is retroactive funding and the contract is already half over, New Hampshire has in place both the Affordable Care Act and Obamacare Medicaid Expansion. In the seven towns that are served by these retroactive contracts, there is already adequate medical coverage available from primary care physicians that Edelblut stated “… is a better healthcare option for women.”

Frank does not support the kinds of expansions he discusses here, but the fact is, they are there and funded by taxpayers already.

Yes, if you vote against the demanded tribute the Planned Parenthood Players will stage fake cuts in hours or access.

Democrats will wail as if the very fabric of who we are as a (people or state or country) has been torn beyond repair if taxpayer dollars are not siphoned off to backstop a prominent political ally.

They may even call you names.

But the fact of the matter is, Planned Parenthood has decided that it would rather spend millions every year on politics than on women’s health. Instead of using resources they already have to provide cancer screening referrals, contraception, or other so-called essential “women’s health” services, they’d rather spend it strong-arming elected officials into approving more political tithing to a left-wing power-broker.

And you gain nothing by giving them their way. On ‘the morning’ after the vote, if it goes their way, they might offer a little pat on the fanny as they kick you to the curb without cab fare.

Regardless of what you do they will always work as hard as they can to keep you from any public office you may seek. And they will work just as hard to help Democrats defeat other things a Republican like Chris Sununu might support. And neither pro-abortion Independents nor any Democrat will suddenly decide to vote for you.

So, Councilor Sununu, and every other so-called Republican that pays lip-service to fiscal and social conservatives and the party platform. Instead of dancing around pretending you don’t know what this contract is for, or what Planned Parenthood is about, pull out PPNE’s budget and start directing the public’s attention to the large sums they spend on things that have nothing to do with caring for “women’s health.”

Instead of bending the knee to the Democrat party’s Alinsky tactics, grow a set. Challenge them to explain how the millions Planned Parenthood spends on lobbying in New England and the hundreds of millions of dollars spent nationally on political donations wouldn’t be better spent on “essential services” for all these women they claim “are at risk?”

If they truly cared about women’s health wouldn’t care come before buying access to politicians and taxpayer dollars they don’t need?

And why, given all the points Rep. Edelblut made, should taxpayers have to pay several hundred thousand more dollars to pad the pockets of a wealthy organization with money to burn like Planned Parenthood? They are already paying for programs that can provide identical if not superior services at a wider range of locations.

And then there’s that whole business about some of the things Planned Parenthood does as part of their business. The Republican party is supposed to be against that. A significant percentage of primary voting Republicans still are against it.

But if Planned Parenthood’s politics are of no concern to you then why should Republican primary politics be any different?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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