Oh Bernie? Emulating Obama with your campaign donations? - Granite Grok

Oh Bernie? Emulating Obama with your campaign donations?

Bernie Amerika flagSure, Obama set the precedent by accepting illegal campaign donations and now is the news that his ideological sojourner, Bernie Sanders, is cutting corners and doing the same, proving that Socialists are just dandy with the phrase “laws are for little people” (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Feds Flag Thousands of Illegal Bernie Sanders Contributions

FEC sends second letter this month to Sanders campaign noting prohibited contributions

SECOND letter?  You mean this is not an original problem?  And Bernie continues to break the law?  To flout The Rule of Law that he has sworn to uphold?  And now is accused of the Obama crime?  Clean that shocked look off my face:

Thousands of contributions to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ campaign in January violated federal campaign finance laws, election regulators said on Thursday. The Federal Election Commission sent a letter to the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign committee on Thursday with a 90-page spreadsheet listing 3,457 “excessive, prohibited, and impermissible contributions.”

The campaign’s January financial disclosure filing listed contributions from foreign nationals and unregistered political committees, the FEC said. Other contributions came from donors who exceeded the $2,700 per-election limit.

3500 bad donations even as he is claiming to have over a million donations.  Small potatoes, you say.  That’s almost a rounding error, you exclaim.  Doesn’t matter – either you follow the law or you don’t.  And I KNOW that when accepting donations at your website, these checks (foreign? exceeding limits?) are almost trivial.  To not have programed these in (or what was said about Obama’s website, switches turned off that controlled such checking) has to be willful.  Sure, programmers may not know campaign law – but the campaign political operatives overseeing such DO know those details.  There is absolutely no reason that these simple checks aren’t being done except on purpose.

And let’s bringing in the hypocriticalness of it all:

…The Vermont Senator and self-described socialist is running on a platform of transparency and campaign finance reform, contrasting his grassroots support with Clinton’s high-dollar donors and use of loopholes in federal election laws that allow her campaign to coordinate with outside groups that can accept unlimited contributions.  However, Sanders’ donors have also run afoul of federal campaign finance laws, and his financial disclosure reports have been riddled with errors.

This is not a small, NH State Rep run dealing with a couple of hundreds (or thousands) of bucks with a few friends helping out. National campaigns get high powered long term consultants that know this stuff cold and can probably do the associated paperwork half drunk.  These things just don’t happen by accident.  And this isn’t the first time:

The FEC sent a letter to the Sanders campaign earlier this month flagging an additional 1,316 “excessive, prohibited, and impermissible contributions” in the fourth quarter of 2015.  The commission also noted disbursements from the campaign that failed to include required documentation.

Yeah, campaign reform cries from the guy that ought to be pointing back at himself.  Sure, talking is a good game and when you’re on the public teat, talk is cheap for you (’cause others are paying your freight).  Like I keep saying, it is their actions you need to pay attention to, not their words.  I’m talking with the Youngest as I’m typing this and he says no wonder the public is mad – these chumps can’t even lie straight.

