How many times can an interviewee have that "deer in headlights" look? - Granite Grok

How many times can an interviewee have that “deer in headlights” look?

Pitiful, simply pitiful.  Here we have a college co-ed, a national spokesdweeb for the Million Student Day to Demand Silly Stuff Because They Don’t Want To Pay For It (aka “Student Million March”), made the fatal mistake of coming onto a show where the host understands how to ask very simple questions.  Students want:

  • Free College (“It should be a Right!”)
  • $15/hr minimum wage
  • Total loan forgiveness (to the tune of $1.2 Trillion)

You do need to listen to this sad sack of a superficial simpleton – I present Keely Martin, completely adrift in things economic:

Apparently, this Free Rider has never learned the moral of TANSTAAFL. Neil Cavuto (Fox News, 4pm) EVISERATES her even as she stands there with the sharp edge of a single question: “And how is that going to be paid“?

Of course, she wants “the 1%” to pay (“those that are hoarding the wealth” – seriously?) – Cavuto asks “how high should their taxes be”?  She sticks with 90% – and Cavuto asks “These are smart people, what if they move out of the US?” – as we saw with Brits and more recently, the French. Her answer?

No. Answer. At. All.  Just capital G Gibberish that there will always be a 1% in the US as we are the “bastion of capitalism” – not if nitwits thieves greedy Socialists keep taking it from them.  Obviously, she’s not heared of Galt’s Gulch, either.

No, no one actively advocating to take earned treasure from others to directly benefit themselves ON NATIONAL TV ought to have been more than a dim bulb to think of these questions in advance and had ready answers.  But given that, I’m glad she was only running at 5W so as to let the bright TV lights see through the mask to see the student totalitarian underneath.

But for her, that was a big NOPE!  Should we, can we, expect any more from the Participation Trophy cohort?

Er, no.

Keely, btw, your statement of “I come from an incredibly working class family and my family is already on numerous forms of government assistance” tells me all I have to know.  Seeing how clueless you sound, let me inform you directly: you come off as being exceedingly ungrateful for what the rich (who pay the vast majority of income tax already as I have outlined many times here on the ‘Grok) already provide for you and your family. And you confirm much of what many of us have been thinking for a long time – you know, that old saw of inch and mile?  And now, you’re demanding even more?

You want a Socialist country – and you have just proven how selfish Socialism is.  You seem to have NO qualms at all to use Government as a stand in for a gun pointed at my head; a pen and legislature instead of a trigger and a bullet.  Glad to see that you showed that openly and honestly on national TV.  It also shows how little you think of your fellow citizens; that they should be forced to give up their private property, their skills, their labor, and their Liberty simply for some misguided sense of what is “unjust”.

I just shook my head after she was for a 90% tax rate for the rich but thought 100% was the road to Socialism.  Deary, you’re already well down that road.

I worked hard in high school to get a pretty good sized scholarship; I also ended up working 4 jobs at once to put myself through school.

Instead of demanding we give you our money, how about we demand you do the same as I did.

(H/T: Hot Air)
