Clue to the clueless – there IS no difference between Democrats and Socialists


Question of the week was asked by Chris Matthews of MSNBC on his Hardball show “What is the difference between Democrats and Socialists?” – asked of the Democrat National Committee head honcho Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) to the curious event of self declared independent and self-avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders seeking the Presidential nomination of a Party to which he doesn’t even belong.

Funny, that – she has NO answer.  Given that the Democrat Party has rid itself of ITS moderates (the so-called Blue Dog Democrats), it has swung further Left than what GOP has gone right.  In this respect, which is better – the GOP returning to our country’s roots in the Constitution, or the Left moving to the Communist Manifesto?

And on today’s Meet The Press, the question came up when Chuck Todd, host, asked again:

She refused again and only addressed the differences between the Democrats and Republicans.  Even TMEW observed, rather angrily, “Why is he letting her not answer the question?!?”  Well, that’s simple: both Matthews and Todd are former Democrat political operatives.  Not journalists but they do have bylines and taking advantage of the few that might still think that such an industry is “objective”.  There is no doubt – there is an objective, just not what you think it is.

So during the “panel” section of the show after the interview, Todd asked Matthews, essentially, what gives?  I thought his answer was incoherent:

I think there is a big difference.  Socialists traditionally believe in Government control of the economy and Democrats believe in modifying the market to help people at the bottom with a safety net but clearly believe in the market…Politically, she doesn’t want to offend the Bernie people…maybe there’s an intellectual problem but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt…I don’t think Hillary has staked out the difference and she’d better.

The market: I see no difference between the Democrats and the Socialists.  Both are totalitarian Statists in this regard as while Socialists may be more truthful about it, if you have the power to modify the market when you want to, regardless of the reason, you control that market.  Hiding behind the “helping the little people” is a lying excuse.  So call them what they are – Totalitarian Statists.  And if they feel they have to “modify”, they clearly DON’T believe in the market like Matthews suggest.  The only thing they trust is in their own hubris in that they know what is best for everyone – after all, look how well Venezuela is doing lately under Socialism.  Or Cuba.

After all, a FREE Market is just that – free from intervention and control.

And here’s the other thing – even if only to play out the charade, why did Matthews wait until today to bring up the question again – if he felt that this was such an important question and distinction for the election, WHY didn’t he follow up his own question on his own show?

Oh yeah, it IS “maybe there’s an intellectual problem” – and not just one for DWS, either.

(H/T: MRC)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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