A Look Behind The NHGOP’s Curtain

Steve MacDonald

behind the curtainWe here at DupreyGrok are doing what we do given the circumstances: exposing RINO hypocrites and progressive water carriers. The latest liberal Aquarian bundled in Republican clothing is Steve Duprey. Mr. Duprey loathes the Tea Party. He is also a life-long advocate for abortion, something that should appear incompatible with his role as an RNC National Committeeman.

The expression of this incompatibility, and calls for him to step down, has unnerved the NHGOP leadership. An apology has been issued which Skip fisked at great length here, but it is important for us to remember that they will do or say anything to (Please!)  let them get away with this.

I realize that I made a mistake by appearing at an event for a political action committee that targets Republicans. I was not fully aware of the nature of the event in advance, and regret my attendance. I remain fully committed to working to elect more Republican candidates in 2016.”


Mr. Duprey has been both politically active and admits to being pro-abortion for 43 years. He’s in it for the long haul.  In the Concord Monitor “…The event at the center of all of this, hosted at the home of Ben and Karina Kelley in Concord last Thursday, was billed publicly as “a reception to help protect the political landscape for reproductive health” leading up to the 2016 elections.

How does an RNC Committeeman get invited to such an event let alone appear at one?

Abortion advocate 1: Hey Steve?

Steve Duprey: Yeah?

Abortion advocate 1: Want to go to this abortion thing?

Steve Duprey: Sure.

Or maybe it was like this.

Abortion advocate 1: Beer? 

S.D. :Yeah, thanks.

Abortion advocate 1: Oh, and you’re not convincing registered Republicans or elected candidates to forget about those social issues so we’re going to have to protect the POLITICAL landscape for reproductive health .

S.D.: Anything to help the team, wait.  What was that last part?

However this invite and event appearance went down, Ben Kelly (or an advocate) deliberately invited an elected RNC Committee Chairman to “a reception to help protect the POLITICAL landscape for reproductive health.

Ben Kelly knew what it was about and still felt comfortable asking his friend Steve Duprey to participate.  Why is it crazy to think that this isn’t the first time in 43 years something like this has happened?

Duprey admits to donating to Planned Parenthood during his tweet exchange with BethRS62 on Twitter, and uses the politically correct ‘Women’s health’ to describe his support for abortion.


And even if we abandon any conception of complicity with regard to the event or any like it (not that we’ll ever get any of them to admit that complicity begins at conception), the optics on this in a Republican Presidential primary year are awful.

Duprey has become little more than ballast at this point and needs to realize that he can still support Republicans without being a dead weight in a Presidential election year.  (What campaign will dare embrace him for fear of losing all the conservatives and pro-life grassroots voters?)

Given the predicament he presents to Republicans he should either step aside or the NHGOP must propose an amicable separation and move on.   The curtain has been pulled aside. You can’t just close it and hope everyone forgets what is behind it.


Update – Changed the title.  Too vague and a bit misleading.  The ‘man’ behind the NHGOP curtain may not be behind it all the time but wherever he is most will agree who he is and it’s not Duprey.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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