New Hampshire Right to Life
Political Action Committee
Phone 603 230-8136
For Immediate Release
New Hampshire Right To Life PAC Calls for GOP Committeeman Removal
May 5, 2015
Concord, NH
From time to time deliberative bodies are forced to take a stand against officials or members whose actions run counter to the group’s acceptable standards for individual behaviors. NHRTL believes that this is one of those times.
In light of recent events, we believe Steve Duprey must be removed from his position as New Hampshire GOP National Committeeman for abusing the platform of the NHGOP in his explicit support for abortion. His recent attendance at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser and subsequent statements as to his pro-abortion standing, bring serious concerns and questions regarding his personal stance and overt repudiation of one of the most important delegate-voted planks in the NH Republican Party Platform.
In addition, Mr. Duprey is a member of the 2016 Presidential Debate Committee. Sitting as Chairman of this committee, NH Republicans should be concerned about how Mr. Duprey’s personal pro-choice standing will shape the Presidential debates. This additional responsibility as Chair is a powerful one. The Debate Committee will be sharing the message of the Republican Party on the national stage. RNC Chairman, Reince Priebus has himself been quoted, “I believe it is imperative we share the message of the Republican Party on a national stage in the most effective way possible so that all Americans can see the distinct differences between the two parties.”
It is in this light, NHRTL believes that Mr. Duprey is not the representative New Hampshire needs to support either the New Hampshire or the National GOP platform, both of which support pro-life principles.
NHRTL and all pro-life conservatives are asking for the NHGOP to step in and support the delegated-voted platform and New Hampshire Republican ideals and remove Steve Duprey as National Committeeman.
Darlene Pawlik, Chair
NHRTL Political Action Committee