NH Democrats Put a Price-tag on Rape

Steve MacDonald

Pile-Of-MoneyAny woman in Vermont legally allowed to carry a firearm under federal law can carry concealed without a permit.  This means that no man ever really knows if she is armed.

Does that matter?  It does to women in Vermont.

Since the year 2000 there are an average of 68% fewer rapes per 100,000 citizens in Vermont than in New Hampshire.

Democrats like the mad moms for more violence, the pro-crime out-of state funded lobbyists at Granite State Progress, NH Police chiefs, the New Castle promises more rapes folks, and NH State Senator David Pierce, are all opposed to allowing women in New Hampshire the same rights as women in Vermont.   Women who can carry concealed without a permit and are safer than women in New Hampshire.

Is such opposition a result of their devotion to their blind and ignorant ideology?  Maybe, but what if it is just about  money?

If Susan Bruce is speaking for all the NH Democrats then leaving 68% more women at risk for rape in the Granite State is a fair trade for $900,000.00.

Susan Bruce - 68% More Rape worth $900K

I’m must say that I am amazed at how blithely Susan Bruce dismisses what rape does to women in exchange for $900,000.00 in state revenue.

When can we expect the parade of Democrats denouncing Ms. Bruce and her callous disregard for victims of rape to begin?

Or do NH Democrats agree that this is a price they are willing to make women in New Hampshire  pay in exchange for the cash?


Update – added links.

H/T Susan Olsen for the screen shot.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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